Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/372

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plan die Carmelite, YlYn 2S23 3B Kt (POT Q r ; © Ao-apai) = i">Vn I Ch 1 1 3 ' ® Hatpat, Aaapai, Eoywt. tpl^n, )h2n et pers. (cf. Sab. pxn vel. trib. Hal" - 661 DHM ZMOI88S - 15 ) — 1. © Aa-iopaiv, Aaipav, Eapap, : a. fiixn Jos 15 3 place in extreme south of Judah, + m T ^N = Tis-ivn (q. v .) N1134 4 . b. nipp niSPI son |hsn Jos 15 24 another town of Judah in south. 2. © A<rpap(v), Earpani, etc.: a. psn son of Reuben Gn 46 9 Ex 6" Nu 26 s = P~ ,sn i'Cb.5*. b. son of Peres and grandson of Judah Gn 46 12 Nu 26 21 =?nxri R u 4 1819 1 Ch

npn -S. .. •* 4 t^nSn, "^n adj. gent, only c. art. as n. coll. 1. WWih Nu 26", of 2 a supr. 2. •TOT v 21 , of 2 b supr. t nran, n^n © a^,*^, a station of Isr. in wilderness : niixrt Nu n 35 - 36 ia M =n'l|q 33 17I8 Dt i 1 . tD"1Q"l2n (Ar. ^"jJ.'JLL, Sab. mn-ixn, tterm, Os ZMG 1865 ' 289,,L DHM ZMG 188S - 18 - 412 ) — a 'son' of |t3p} ( 5th in order from Shem (DB', i.T*br)*; 2 . n^ ; 3 . nay,- 4 . }op; ; 5 . 'n) Gn io 26 =i Ch i 20 , © A<r 0/ )(a)^<o5; a district in southern Arabia, where dwelt the XaTpapariTat (Strabo * vl - 4i! ); mod. Hadramaut (or Hadram&t, see Maltzan ZMG "^ 49S Mordt ZMG .S2S j yan J g erg P.^ y J n f r ^ J ( same J and> ^ ut not quite co-extensive; v. Di Gn io 26 , Ritter Krdku d,.H(Ar.bleni)e<»ir. ) de Q^ S^hr. 1» yan den Berg9 .dh,»mout.I 88 6 ) GlagerS kteell. 2 0.4 !B <r.. fc . on ; ts precise limits see esp. Ritter 6U *-, de Goeje 1 -"- van d. Berg cb - '. Ill- ")^n (-/of foil.; Ar. J^i 6e ^reen). fn.'T'Sn a.m. 1 ' 16 - 6 green grass, herbage, abs. TOT Nun 6 + i6t.; cstr. 'VSn Is37 27 = 2 K 19 26 , j, 129 6 ; — 1. grass, as food for animals 1 K 18 6 Jb40 16 ^io 4 u i 4 7 8 Pr 27 25 (|| *#) and 3^5?), Is Is'dH^J and PT); spec, of leeks (as still sometimes in Aram., v. Low"'- 226 ' m ) Nu 1 1 6 (v. Di); in sim. of abundant growth Is 44 4 (v. © Ew Che); on Is 35' v. 1. "Vxn supr. 2. as type of what is quickly perishing Jb 8 12 , hence fig. of perishing enemies Hi55 TXn I s 3^ = 2 K 1 9" (|| *#% t a rV), * I2 9'. i-e."' having no depth of root; of wicked, soon to be cut down -^ 37 2 ; with special reference to Israel's oppressors Is 40" (|| [mfetfl] }*x), v 7 (|| id.), v 7 - 8 (ll l ^-)» 5 1 "; m sim. of frail man ^90"; man's days V' i°3 ,s (|| TXim pv). IV. "l^n (assumed as •/ for redupl. nxiXPI whence foil. ; mng. unknown; perh. onomatop., v. Thes 01 » 82c188 * Sta' 124b ; see also Lag " 118 ). trnS&Tl n.f. clarion (NH JTlXisn, Aram. «W")Sisn) —mostly P and late ;— abs. 'n Ho 5 8 ; pi. abs. nnxxq Nuio 8 +22t.; rmxriNuio 910 ; cstr. id. N1131 6 2Chi3 12 ; nixixri Nuio 2 ; clarion: 1. as secular instr. Ho 5 8 (||"iate') 2 K

2Ch2 3 1!

. as sacred instr. 2 K

14 , esp. for use by priests (only P, i//- 98 and 

Chr). a. 'ra ]lpr (of blowing a single long blast) Nu io 3 - 4 - 7 - 8 , to gather congreg. or 'tc'w: together, and, on festivals, over sacrif., ' to be remembered before v 10 . b. 'ra njmn Vpn, or 'rD jnn (of sounding alarm, — a series of quick blasts) for camps to move Nu io 56 , also in battle, v 9 , ' to be remembered before '»;' so Nu 31 6 2 Ch i 3 12 (cf. v 14 ), both njmnn 'n. c. esp. in Chr's descriptions of ceremonies at festivals, to express rejoicing : 1 Ch 1 3 s 15 28 (|| "1BiE> p^P), 16 642 2 Ch 15 14 (|| -iBiS?), 20 28 2 9 26 - 27 Ezr 3 10 Ne i2 35 - 41 ,f 9 8 6 (|pBte» bp); 'ra wp tpyn 2 Ch5 13 ; 'ro Dnwno i Ch 1 5 24 2 Ch 5" 13 1 3 ' 4 ; in 2 Ch 2 g 28 this pt. agrees with noun in sense, and is masc; and the clarions (= players on the clarions) sounded. — The ^iffl, or (sacred) clarion, was a long, straight, slender metal tube, with flaring end.v. Benz McMol - m ; distinguished thus from the "tBiE* which was originally a ram's horn, and prob. always retained the horn-shape ; the"lBiB> is mentioned constantly in the earlier lit., and was used by watchmen, warriors, etc., as well as priests (v. Benz *■ m and 1BiB>). f ["SMI] vb. Kt, [nSTl] Qr, denominat. from rnxxn = sound a clarion — Pi. Pt. DnSsno 2Ch 5 ' 3 (Qr Onvnq) = players on clarions. Hiph. Pt. B^fl^? (Qr D^STO as Hiph. v. Ko "■ ") 1 Ch 1 5 s4 + 3 1. + 2 Ch 5 12 Baer, (van d. H DTlxno); sound with clarions 'no nnvxro 1 Ch 15 24 2 Ch 5 12 13 14 ; abs. sounded {sounding) 2 Ch 7 s 29 s8 , cf. mwn ad Jin. (Kt in all to be pronounced (prob.) DPXSTO). pn v. PT 1 sub pin; pH v. sub ppn.

  • **K V **• 0,1J y Pn - eut &*» oarve (NH

represent, imitate; ppn) — Pu. Pt. n]3np 1 K 6™ Ez8 10 + 2 3 14 (Co D"i?nD, after © (SSOJ), carved figure on wall Ez 8 10 23 14 (where rd. D'pTO D^JX, v. supr.) = subst. carved work 1 K 6 35 (on doors of temple). Hithp. Imp/. 2 ms. nilDnf? tyl ytfffy Jb 13 27 thou gravest thee a