Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/378

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f ii. r?"Pn a station of Isr. in ' t T-: * wilderness Nu 33 24 - 25 , site unknown. Til IN vb. burn, be kindled, of anger (Aram. ,_

Pa. cause fire to burn (rare); Zinj. 

Kin anger, No ZMQ '■*«•»; Ar. Y£. burning sensation, in throat, etc., fr. rage and pain) — Qal Pf. 'n Gn 4 6 + 20 t,; Impf. ITJHJ Ex 32" + 2 1. ; inf Gn 1 8 30 + 7 t. ; W| Gn 4 5 + 46 1. ; /n/. abs. >"nn 1 s 20 7 ; cstr. nitn 2 S 24 1 ^ 124 3 ; — . of man: a. t]K mn (one's) anger was kin- dled, burned Gn 39" Nu 22 s7 (J), Ex 32 1928 (JE), Ju 9 s0 14 19 1 S n 6 Jb 3 2 2 - 6 ; c. 3 op«f Gn 30 s (E), 44 18 (J), 1 S 17 28 20 30 2 S 12 6 2 Ch 25'° + 124 s Jb 3 2 23 ; c. b« Nu 24 10 (E). b. irupers., f|K omitted ; ? mn it was kindled for (him) he burned with anger Gn 3i 36 (E), 4 s ' 6 34 7 Nu i6 ls (J), 1 S 15 11 (rd. perh. "IJRJ, Weir in Dr), 18 8 20" 2 S 3 s 6 8 =i Ch 13",' 2 S 13 s1 19" Ne 3 s3 4 1 5 6 Jon4 M -"; ins. Iffr "m 2 S 1 1 22 @ We Dr ; TJ>3 'n Gn 31 36 45* (E). 2. of God : a. P|K 'n Ex 2 2 23 Nu 22 ffi (E), Nu 1 1 110 32 I0 (J); c. 3 Ex 4 14 32 10 Nu 12 9 Dt 3i 17 (J), 6' 5 7 4 11" 2 9 2li Jos2 3 16 (D), Ju6 39 2 S6 r = 1 Ch 13'°, Ho 8 6 2 K 23 26 2 Ch 25 16 Jb 4 2 7 ; DP Ex 3 2 u Nu 1 1 33 (J), Is 5 25 f 106 40 ; {>N-ifc*3 Nu25 3 3 2 13 (JE); Ju2" M 3 8 io 7 2S24 1 2K13 3 ; i'Nn'B"'J33Jos7 1 (E); D*TO3, «|K omitted, Hb 3 8 ; c. by Zc 10 3 . b. ? mn Gn iS 30 - 32 ^) 2 S 22 8 = V<-i8 8 . — Note: mrinotin HP(whousee)yp); nor in Je Ez Is 2 Pr or poetry of Jb. Niph. Pf. Tiro sq. 3 Ct i 6 (ace. to Eb" 379 De Kb 1 - 651 ) be angry with ; Pt/3 D'l.nsri b'3 a ll that are incensed against (thee) Is 41 11 , so 45 24 . Hipb. Pf. P1™J n "3 n :'7 Ne 3 20 burned with zeal (?) m re- pairing, but © om. mnn ; prob. dittogr. ; Impf. « ty irm Jbi 9 " awd /tinned his anger against me. Hithp. Impf. "inriFI btf. ^ 37 1 - 7 - 8 Pr 24 19 heat oneself in vexation. — The foil, forms are somewhat dub. : Impf. 2 ms. ?TX D'prarrnK rnnrin J e 1 2 5 Aow can<rf thou hotly contend (in a 1 ace) w&A <Ae Aorses ? Pt. '3 H2? n ~!0 n 9 ™?£ Je 22 15 because thou strivest eagerly (to excel) m cedar; expl. as THph'il by Thes Ges' 56 ' 6 Ew 1122 ' 01 S2M * Sta iM9b Ko lpOT id., and regarded by most as a rare causative ftera ; but ag. existence of Tiph'el v. Ba NB im ' ' ^ regards the form ag denom. (fr. a noun formed by n preform., cf. Aram. jloi-L" contention); SS would point as Hithp. [cf. Syr. ~i*Xl contend with, ^L^Z contention], although meaning of Hithp. is diff., v. supr. tpin n.m. (burning of) anger (cf. Lag BS m A„ m . * ,y_, n Ez 7 , 2+ 2 1 . cstr fVnn Nu25 , +

1.: sf. 'Jnn Ez 7 14 (Co p-in), "iin ^ 2 6 ; i?in 

Ex 15 7 ; pi. sf.^3'nn^88 17 ;—alw.of God's anger (v.note.infr.), sftt jVin EX32 12 Nu 25 4 32 14 Jos 7 s6 (J), Dt i 3 18 1 S 28 18 2 K 2 3 26 2 Ch28"-' 3 29 10 30 8 Ezr 10" Ho ii 9 Na i 6 Zp 2 2 3 8 Is 13 913 Je 4 8 - 26 12 13 25 3738 30 24 49 37 51 45 Jon 3 9 ^6 9 25 78 49 8 5 4 Jb 20 23 La i 12 4 11 ; t

om., Ex 15 7 (song), Ne 

1 3 18 ^ 2" Ez 7 12 (del. Co), v 14 ; pi. bursts of burn- ing anger yjr 88 17 . — Note : fhri-to3 ^58'° burning anger © 33 Jer AV Bae Che ; but Thes MV SS DeW EwOl Pe, something burning, e.g. thorns, antith. green thorns ; Hengst De cooked flesh, autith. raw; Je 25 s8 fHrTI 'n ^BD because of the fierceness oftlie oppressor (1 AV) would then be the only use of the word of other than God's anger ; here © % Ew Hi Gf Ke Che Gie KV rightly rd. 3"in oppressing sword (as 46^ 50 16 ). pin is_ not used in H P D 2 or E (except song, Ex 15 7 ) of the Hex; nor in Ez except 7 12 (del. Co), v 14 . tnn n.m. burning, alw. m(}) *7{1 of Moses Ex 1 1 8 (J); Jonathan 1 S 20 34 ; army of Ephraim 2 Ch 25 10 ; Bezin Is 7 4 ; of God Dt 29 s3 La 2 3 . nvnn v. .Tmn. TP|QV^ father of one of the builders of the wall Ne 3 10 . T"in (-/of foil.; NH Tin string together, esp. jewels or pearls ; Aram. TV) id.; )£» id.; Ar. JJ!£ sew or stitch, £i beads strung together, neck-ornament). t yrXi n.[m.] string of beadB, only "pi. BTWia -nWX Ct i 10 thy neck (is comely) with strings of beads.

  • i" 1 ^" 1 .'! 1 (van d. H .Tmn), ( V and

mng. unknown) — father of one of the builders of the wall, Neh.'s time Ne 3". ■ftrnn, inyn v. sub i. nnn. tDPnn grandfather of Shallum, who was husband of Huldah the prophetess 2K22 14 . I. U iPT (-/of foil.; Aram. tfl~ cut, scratch, tear; cf. Ar. l^i. peel of bark, strip off leaves (mod. Ar. turn wood), k^ iron instrument for doing this). TO r jria.[m.] graving-tool, stylus — 1. graving-tool, with which Aaron fashioned (1SJ1)