Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/38

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"in 'K habitat, or palace of David where throne erected Is i6 5 ; P'¥ ra '8 h. of daughter of Zion {=Jerusalem) La 2 4 ; 3p£ ytlX Je 30 18 Mala" (II ja-iD); rnji; 's zc i2 ? (ii in wo); b*#-j '8 h, of wicked Jb 8 B , cf. Ven/n* 84 11 , onefc'K Pr 14"; inb- '« Jb 15 s4 ; trpns '8 ,/, n8 15 ; 'K=Edom itself, ^83 7 cf. TJ? '« V' 120 5 JBna '8 Hb 3 7 . 3. the sacred tent used in worsmp of God ; Sl8n the tent; tfO '8 to< 0/ meeting of God with his people (tent of congregation or assembly Ges MV al.) Ace. to E Moses so called the tent which he used to pitch without the camp, afar off, into which he used to enter, & where God spake with him face to face, Ex 33 7 - 11 Nu 12 s ' Dt3i 1416 ; J seems to have same conception of an 'O '8 out- side the camp, Nu 1 i 24 - 26 ; D has no allusion to such a tent; P mentions it 131 t. as 'B '8; 19 1. as bnkn ( c f. Ez 41 1 ) & IVnpn '8, tent of the testimony Nu 9'* 1 7 22 - 23 1 8 2 (as containing ark & tables of the testimony) cf. 2CI124 6 ; this tent sometimes confounded with the [32*1? but distinguishedin'D'K [3^0 Ex 3 9 s2 40 2 - 6 - 29 , of. iCh 17 ; bnky fse'an NU3 25 ; ^n?" n ?1 f?E'sn-n8 Ex 35"; tent was of three layers of skins, goatskin3, ramskins, & tacfiash skins, each layer of eleven pieces stretched in form of a tent, covering & protecting the fS^O, wh. was in form of parallelopip. (Ex 26). An IJ^O ?H8 was at Shilo 1 S 2 s2 (om. ® ; v. Dr) cf. + 78 60 , called «1DV '8 v 67 . The Mosaic '» '8 was later at Gibeon 2 Ch i 36 ' 3 ; courses of ministry ar- ranged for service at 'O '8 I Ch 6 17 23 s2 cf. Ch 9" ('8n), v 21 - 23 ('8H rV3) ; David erected an bn* for ark on Mt. Zion 2 S 6 17 1 Ch 15 1 16 1 2'Ch i 4 ; Joab fled for refuge to tW '« 1 K 2 28 " 30 ; sacred oil brought fr. '8n iKi"; the Ijrto '8 was taken up into temple 1 K 8 4 = Ch 5 6 ; "> had not previously dwelt in a n?3, but had gone ^N'^X bnitV fr. tent to tent, fr. one to another, 1 Ch 17','cf. 2 S 7 6 ; niiT '8 (|| "!? & BHp in) ig refuge & dwelling-place of righteous, ^15' 27 s ' 6 61 6 (cf. ^ 90 1 ).

†[אָהַל] vb.denom. tent, move tent fr. place to pkee (cf. As. d'ilu(1) Dl WNo - 4 * AG1 ) ^8>1 Gn 1 3 1218 (J), cf. bm 38* ( v . by*) ; Pi. Impf. br: (contr. for bW) pitch one's tent like nomad 18 13 s0 -

אָהֳלָה Ohfila (for rlSlX slve who lias t t: t "  : T a tent, tent-woman, i.e. worshipper at tent- shrine, v. Sm) of Samaria, adulteress with Assyria Ez 2 3 <-«-»-«.

אָהֳלִיאָב Oholiab (Father's tent, cf. Ph. ^>jnbnx, "frnbnx ; Sab. -innj6n8, !>xi>nx) chief assistant of Bezalel in construction of tabernacle, etc. Ex 31 6 35 s4 36 12 ^8 a .

אָהֳלִיבָמָה Oh61iba (=n3"^n« tent t • t: t * in her =(in meaning) ^J!? cf. Sm) of Jerusalem as adulterous wife of" 1 Ez 23 4 - 411 - 22 - 3644 . tnCl^TTT^ Ohdlibama (tent of the high place) 'l. f. wife of Esau Gn 3 6 2 " 418!B . 2. m. an Edomite chief Gn 36 41 1 Ch i 52 .

†II. [אָהַל] vb.Hiph. be clear, shine, Impf. 3 ms. ^n8 : : (subj. moon rrv) Jb 25 s (|| »! subj. MSO, cf.also H3P v 4 ) (=b^, fr. §W; (by text, error?) cf. Di so © > =1. bm Ko 1 ' 373 , after Ki).

†III. [אהל] odorif. tree, aloe (?) (? loan-word from Skr. aguru, agaru, dial. aghil, cf. Wilson **•*«»•• M. Miiller in Pusey Dn 2d ed. p. w7 f. aloexylon agallochum(c{. Sigismund Aromata.LdPLisM.p.ssr MVcite Kondracki "M'"*""""- d.Aloe,DorpatlS74 & Baer K«i en m.293f^. fa eTS a /„g sllc . cotrina (Schenkel BL , cf. Di ad Nu 24 s ); "Wetzst in De c ' 2d,,dle7 brings under I. bna ; he proposes cardamum, Ar. JJLa fr. ^jljt — little tents, from three-cornered shape of capsules) 1. pi. Dvn8 trees planted by ') Nu 24" (|| Dni8) perh. error for 0^8 cf. Di. 2. aloes, as sweet- smelling ; perfume for bed, Dy? 8 . Pr 7 1 ' (|| lb, |i»3p/) ; for garments ni!?ri8 f 45 * (|| lb, n'lV'Sp ); of bride, under fig. of odorif. tree Ct 4 14 (|| -to, owa ffcy^l).

אַהֲרֹן 346 Aaron, elder brother of Moses Ex 7 7 ; the priest Ex 31 10 + ; mentioned Ex4 14 i5 20 i7 10 24 1 28 29 + (ii5t.Ex);Lv8 12 - 23 + (80t.Lv); Nu20 24r 33 39 +(ioit.Nu); 1 Ch s 29 + ; Mi6 4 (only here in proph.) ^77 21 io5 26 ; called jn'sn Ex 31 10 35 19 39 41 Lv 7 M + , v. ^ 99 6 vjnba '81 neb ; also ?n'3n 1W* Ex 38 21 Nu 3 32 + (all P)called IWT WIV ^ io6 16 ; oft. named with his sons Lv 2 310 6 2 + ; '8 '33 in strict sense Ex 2 S 1 - 4 - 4 ^ oft. ; D^nbn '8 '33 Lvi 5 + Nu 3 3 io 8 Jos 21" 1 Ch6 42 ; of temple-priests in gen'l, as descendants of A., 2 Ch 26 18 29 21 31 19 35 14 - 14 > v. also 13 910 & cf. '8-[3 |n3n N e io 39 ; so '8 TV3 ^ 1 I5 101S 1 18 3 135 19 ; Pn« alone ( = '81T3) iChia^cf. 27 17 .

אוֹ 320 ((Symbol missinglanguage characters)), coni. or ( whether aut or vel). 1. Gn 2449 3143 Ex 411 Ct 29 Lv 1324 Nu 530 + oft. (esp. in laws); sometimes implying a preference, nearly = or rather Gn 2455 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) a few days or ten Ju 1819 1 S 293 .