Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/418

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J?T Uarn to know (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ho 1314; learn (a bitter lesson) Ho 9 7 Is 9 8 V'14 4 ; experience (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s vengeance Ez 2 5 14 J<-I4 4 (nb8.); quietness Jb20 20 . f. recog- nise, admit, acknowledge, confess Je 3 13 1 4 20 Is 59 12 ^ 51 s - g- consider t^BTTC WJ Ju 18 14 ; ||ntn, imv. ram jn, itm lyn, 2S24 13 iK2o ,J *; also *? 'na3i'"D5? njn^ Dt 8 5 and i/jow */iaZ< c<m- sider with {in) thy heart, that, 4 s9 . h. in' N? not know=not expect Is 47 11 ^ 35 s . 2. foiou< a person, he acquainted with Gn 29 s (J), Exi 8 (E), Jb 42 11 , know '"> 24 1 ; c. *6, obj. esp. other gods, strange land, etc.=have no knowledge of, or acquaintance with, have not heard of, esp. Dt Je:— Dt n 28 13"" 28" 29 s5 32 17 (poem), Je f 9" 14 18 16 13 17 4 19 4 22 s8 44 s ; pi act. acquaintanceship 3 ; tpt. pass, acquainted with »J»h ym. ni3K3p B*W Is 53 s (lit. known of sickness, v. Thes Ew Che Di Du) ; well-known (with implied trustworthiness) Dt i 1316 t; of beasts knowing owner and master's crib Is i 3 (cf. Je 8 7 ); esp. of knowing God ('<) ^TJ *6 /,- nK Ex 5 2 (J) ; involving intelligent worship, obedience, etc. Ju 2 10 1 S 2 12 (rd. 9V for MT VT, Dr), 3 7 Ho 2 M 8 2 5 4 Jb 18 21 f 79" (v. also njn 2 b); of God's knowing persons, etc., thoroughly Ho 5 3 Jb n 11 ; knowing the heart

K 8 39 2 Ch 6 30 ^ 139 4 ; knowing his true ser- 

vants, recognising and acknowledging them

S 7 20 Na 1 7 1 Ch i7 ,8 + ; D0f *pnyr Ex 33 12 

(JE); =take notice of, regard ^ I 6 31" 37 18 ; so of Isr. as chosen people Am 3 s Ho 1 3 s (As. ilu id&Su, Godregardeth him, Hpt BA8115 ) cf. Gn. i8 19 (J). 3. know a person carnally, of sexual intercourse, sq. ace: man subj. Gn 4 11725 24 16 3 8 26 (all J), 1 Si' 9 Ju 19 25 1K1 4 ; woman subj. Gn I9 8 (J), Nu 3 1 17 -' 836 (all P), Ju u 89 ; W n=T 32Bio Ju 2 1 11 ; 13T yzxkb e*k nyr vb v 12 ; tt — : * J tt -: •: • t:it man subj. and obj. (of sodomy) Gn 19 6 (J), Ju 19 22 . 4. a. know how to do a thing, be able to do it, oft. c. tb and sq. inf.: TriB^ tyT t6 nnb3 Am 3 10 they know not how to do right; tO Ti ""Vl, Je i 6 6 16 1 K 3 7 Ib56"-",c. P50 4 Ec io 16 ; "^J?? 5H T N. 5 Ec 4 13 £mom> no< how to be admon- ished^" know that); inf. abs."rin31 JTQ Dto JJT 31133 Is 7 1616 . h. be skilful in, esp. pt., sq. ace. Tt ¥f G» 25 s7 (J) **i'«erf m hunting; 1SD 0T skilled in a book, learned Is 29" 1212 ; as pi. cstr. ,| '! , p, 'JT!^ Am 5 16 knowers of lamentation, pro- fessional mourners ; D>n "5?*I* 1 K 9 s7 skilled in the sea, 2Ch8 ,s ; esp. sq. inf. JM 5?!' 1 S 16 18 sfe7?erf Ml playing, 1 K 5 20 2 Ch 2 6718 : f«» y^ 11333 1 S 1 6 10 knowing, (as) a player on the lyre (v. Dr). 5. abs. have knowledge, be wise: &?$ Ec 9 11 (|| tn^q, D<333); esp. have know- ledge of God and duty, or in practical affairs Is i 3 (|| pa), 56'°; oft. c. ace. cogn.: Wf Pr 17 27 30 3 ; HJSP Is2 9 24 Pr4' 2Ch2 ,s , cf. D-nyb nfa »yj* i Ch 12 33 (Baer), Est i 13 ; also pnj ffj ^Tf v 13 ; 5JTO , 'J ,, 3tD1 n$n_ Tf Dm 4 ; obj. na^?» b$0 2 Ch 2 11 (|| D3n |3); now roan p r i s (|| n;^ new pan); nosn p r 24 14 Ec 8 16 . ■fNiph.Pf. V?a Gn4i 21 + iot.; Vil) con- sec. 1 S 6 3 + 2 1.; 3 fs. njniil Lv 4 14 Is66 14 ', etc.; Impf. rt£ Gn 4 i 31 +iot,; 8$! p r io 9 ; JHJS Est 2 s2 ; 3 fs. yj ; n p r 14 s8 ; 2 fs. , yW | Eu 3 3 ; jnjMJ Ez20 5 ; 7«/. sf. fW! Je 3 i 19 ; Pi. *lfc jr 76 2 + 2 t.; — 1. 6e »»a<fe known, be or become known, of things Gn 41 31 (sq. 3), Ex 2 14 (both E), Lv 4 14 (P), Ju 16 9 2 S 17 19 Na 3 17 Zci4 7 (sq. ?). ^77 M 79'° ( S< 1- ?)> 88 " ( 8 1- ? )J of hand of * Is66 14 (sq. m); c." subj. cl. Ex 2 i 36 33 16 (both JE), Dt 21 1 iS6 3 (sq. p), 1 K18 36 Ez 3 6 32 (sq. p), Eu 3" Ec 6 10 Est 2 s52 (sq. [>); of pers., Pr 31 23 (sq. 3) Is 61 9 (sq. 3 and ^3); f '» V 76 2 (sq. 3); =6e revealed, discovered, of pers. 1 S 22 6 Je 2 8 9 Pr io 9 ; of things Ne 4 9 Pr 12 16 14 33 . 2. make oneself known, of pers., sq. ? Eu 3 3 , usu. of God ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) Ex 6 3 (P; || (Symbol missingHebrew characters), Is 1921 Ez 205, sq. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 3823; sq. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 209; sq. 3 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 3511 ψ 484; without prep. 9 17 . 3. be perceived (pass, of Qal), of perception by the eye Gn 4i 21 (E), V' 74 6 . 4. be instructed (pass, of Hipli. ) Je 3 1 19 , in spiritual sense, through chastisement. tPi. Pf 2 ms. rij?^, only io'pO IPIE' nnyi" Jb 3 8 12 Kt; rd. with' Qr nne'n $qpg cause to know, sq. 2 ace; so ^ 104 19 ace. to Bae, who rds. JW, after Aq Symm. † Po. Pf 1 S.(Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 S 213 I have caused to know, i.e. directed, sq. ace, but rd. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) or (Symbol missingHebrew characters) fr. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) so G We Dr.

t Vn.Pt. known nyT'D Is 1 2» Kt (Qr rqfJB v. Hoph.); elsewhere as subst. = acquaintance 'TO? ^ 55 H ; V VT r ? 2 K io 11 ; '•yTO ^ 88 9 Jb 19" (ll^ni?), ^88 19 (||3nk and $n); '$?>? f 31 13 , Kt JJTB Eu 2 1 (Qrinto q.v. infr.) tHiph. Pf. ynin ^ 9 8 2 ; *?r*fa Je 1 1 ,s ; "VT" 1 K i 27 +2 t.; riy^in Jb 26 3 , etc.; 7wip/. FT* ^io 3 7 I838 1 "; juss. VI* Nu 16 6 ; y~!*l Ju8 16 ; 13PHV Is 4 o 1314 ; 2 ms-yHi" Hb3 2 ; TIW ^16" 51 8 ; 1 s.yiiK ^8 9 2 Ez 3 9 7 ; njniN Pri^Iss 5 ; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Jb 327; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ez 4423; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1S 1412; Imv. nin Pr 9 9 +3 t. (Jnin f 9 o 12 ); sf. »sn*l Jb io 2 + 6 t, etc.; Inf. cstr. Tt^ 2 S 7 2, + 3 t.;