Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/438

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HD" 1 emend, (v. 10*); found, begin, heaps of offerings in '<' s house '2 Ch 31 7 . Niph. Pf. 3 pi. "pii ^2 S ; 7mp/ 2 ms.1Djn L544 28 ; /«/ WTDJIJ Ex 9 18 ; D^D'n ^31"; — 1. fix or seat themselves close together, sit in conclave 1^ 2 2 3 1 I4 ( > Bae from ]»aa>, 6/uXi'a), but Lag's emend. V1J?i3 is prob. (cf. Ne 6 2 ). 2. be founded, Is 44 s8 (temple), Ex 9 18 (Egypt). Pi. Pf. IB) Is 1 4 32 + 3 1. ; HID? 1 K 16 34 ; rn|? ,/, 8 3 ; *VP Zc 4" Ezr 3 10 ; 7mp/. nsncp Jos6 M ; /ot/.ib^ i Ks M ;— 1. /ow»^ (= Qal), sq. ace, city Jos 6 26 (JE), i K 1 6 M , temple 1K5 31 Zc 4 9 Ezr 3 10 ; Zion Is 14 32 28 16 IB) ^Jfl (rd. ID*; v. supr.) 2. establish f 8 s sq. tjJ ; appoint, ordain (late) i Ch o 22 (sq. ace), Est i 8 (abs.) Pu. Pf. 1BJ i K 6 s7 + 2 t.; TBJ Ezr 3 6 ; /*."*»$ iXj"; DHDJO Ct5 16 ; be founded, be laid, of a foundation i K 6 37 Ezr 3 6 Hg 2 18 Zc 8"; P«. = subst. foundation I K 7 10 , cf. nD1» infr.; pillars set on bases, aim. of legs Ct5 15 . Hoph. be founded: Inf. np*n 2 Ch 3 s Ezr 3"; Pt. IGflD Is 28 16 ; — the being founded, founding, " n, 5 "IP ,n ?5? Ezr 3 11 because of the founding {laying the foundation) of the house of" 1 ; 1JN1 'i3i nijab rtibf "»&*1 2 Ch 3 3 and this is (lit.' these are) the founding of Solomon to build the house of God, i.e. this is the foundation which Solomon laid for building, etc.; Pt. IBID "IDfD Is 28 16 a foundation founded, i.e. iceK laid (cf. banc ban nano earn. t%: v> t*%: tt/* T^p'] n.[m.] foundation, beginning, Ezr f nbjnsn TD» ) but rd. rather, c. ®,1D) (Wl= , Ezra subj.), v. Ry. t-riD": n.f.*" * 17 (m. Jb % ») foundation, base, abs.liD} Hb3 13 +2 t.; cstr. id. Ex 29"+ 9 t.; sf. Sib) Ez 13"; cniD? Jb 4 19 22 16 ; n*pi Mi i 6 ; yrpb) La 4"; nTiiniD? Ez 30 4 ;— ^foundation of city (wall) Mi i 6 ^ 137 7 , cf. La 4 11 ; fig. of Egypt Ez 30 4 ; 1iD*n -y& 2 Ch 23 s one of gates of temple(but rd.^D '(? 2 Kn 8 or DID t? [rather D , pffiiVB>]ThKlo); fig.of mennsp'D*; |ppab> l?n *I3 Jb 4 >», cf. 22 16 ; of righteous Pr 10 25 ; of hostile prince under fig. of house Hb 3 13 (details obscure, v b prob. corrupt, v. We); of false pro- phecies under fig. of wall of defence Ez 1 3 14 . 2. base, bottom, of altar Ex 29 12 Lv ji™™™*' 5 » 8 16 9»(allP). t [iTTlD?] n.f. foundation= city founded; B'P" , " , .? : n 3 Styvo* f 87 1 (|| jto nye> *» ans). TTOTO n.m. 1 * 2816 foundation, foundation- laying";— IpIO I828 16 (v. ID' Hoph.); Di>ni? "> TVa iplD 2 Ch8"WiZ </ie day (of) the founda- tion-laying of the house of TrnD'ID n.f. foundation, appointment, nipiD ntSD Is 30 32 rod of appointment (cf. Hb 1 12 "•?}), appointed rod (of punishment) ; pi. cstr. ninpVS Ez 4i 8 Qr, must mean foundations (si vera 1.); Kt perhaps intends Pu. Pt. flilB'D founded, furnished with foundations (conject. emendation by Co). t [iD'IQ] n.m. +18 - 8 foundation;— pi. abs. ninpiD jesi 26 ; C str.rrinpiD,/,i8 16 + 2 t.; nnpb S22 16 ; HDiD Dt 3 2 22 +6t.; «3^9 Mi6 2 ;— foundations th f3K Je 51 26 ; &}$ HDiD founda- tions of the earth Mi 6 2 Is 24 18 Je 31 37 ^ 82 s Pr 8 s9 ; 'NH 'd Is 40 21 ; i>3« '» ^ i8 16 = 2 S 22 16 ; Dnn 'D Dt 32 s2 ^ 18 8 ; 2 S 22 8 has (less well) d*de> '» ; -mrw 'd Is 58 12 (|| oVtt" niairi) i. e . ancient foundations, now ruined. tlpn n.[m.] foundation;— npBD 1 K 7' || ninBtsn-iy • Co rds. npp also Ez 4 1 8 (for MT ninp>oj. fTD* 1 , only in ^ Ex 30 32 , rd. ^, v. •pD (Ko'- 436 ). tnSD^ (etym. dubious) — a daughter of QH, and sister of H3pD Gn n 29 , © Ito-^a. ■< irPDOp 1 ] v. sub "JOO.

  • ]D "J 2u vb. add (NH id., Hiph. ; Aram. Aph.

cppiN, a^o(' , '; Ph. f]D' ; MI 29 TlBD', l 21 riBD^; Sab. flDlHo , ZMG18S2.6S0

As. esepu dub. (esepu Dl)-

+QalP/. f)pj Gn 3 8 26 +; nap; Gn 8 12 ; nap^ consec. 2 K i9 30 =rls 37 31 ; WBDJ I s 26 15 2 Ch 9 s ; riBDJl Dt 19 9 , etc.; Imv. »D Is 29 1 Je 7 21 ; + /«/ c*«r. napb for MT fTiapfj N u 32 14 Is 30 1 (Ges J6..2.B). - >,_ e,p^ (rd.lP^j Is2 9 14 38 s (Ko '••"adds Ec i 18 TP^, fr. form and connexion less likely) ; pi. D^ap* Dt s 22 ;— add, sq. ace. + <?V i S x 2 19 Je 7 21 45 3 is29 1 3 o 1 3 8 6 Dti9 9 ( + ni5>),Lv22 !4 26 21 2 7 1315 ' 927 ; sq. ace. 2 K i 9 30 = Is 3 7 31 , Nu 3 2 14 2 Ch p 6 sq. ?$ (no ace; is'tt ny^n-^y nap^ , ' r ?V»E'); sq. J> (no ace) = increase Is 26 15 - 16 (FIBDJ

  • "?)j sq. ace increase, have more 29 19 (D^JS ' S P'1

nnob m.Ta); 14 t. sq. inf. Gn 8 12 (av^ nacn t& uV V?X ; i. e. it did not again return unto him), 38 M ( + 1iy), Lv 26 18 Nu 32" ( + 1y), Dt s 22 (H-Tfe), 2o 8 Ju8 28 i 3 2, ( + ^), iS7 13 ( + ni5J),

85 2 7 4 (niy «ipv j6j), 2 s 2 s8 (+nw), 2 k e 23 

( + *lto), Is 29 14 ; cf Nun 25 Dt5 19 , where