Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/471

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ppjror Bf frni^te 5fc»J (rd., with Co Da al., BnTriME'e) 37 ffl ; baviiReo bap 3 6 29 . 3. give victory to: a. of man, c. ? pers., give victory to, c. agent subj. T Ju 7* 1 S 2 5 2633 , T om. v 31 ; W T Jb 40 14 ; Jrt->T * 44 4 - b. of GW, with b pers., subj. P?; V 98 1 ; yi -1 ] Is 59 16 63 s ; Yahweh 1 Ch 18 6 , with ace. v 13 ; abs. gain victory I S 14 8 17 47 ; nbinj nyiE>n y&* 1 Ch n 14 . tj^rn n.m. I * Iil • 6 deliverance, rescue, sal- vation, also safety, welfare; — V^.yjr20 7 + 4 t.; J^J Jb 5 n + 4 t. ; sf. ^ 2 S 2 2 3 + 1 1 1., + 1 4 t. sfs.; — 1. safety, welfare, prosperity 2 S 23 s yfr 1 2 6 Jb 5 4 ". 2. salvation, i.e. primarily physical rescue, by God, oft. with added spiritual idea: Is62 u ^69" 85 810 ; D'nb.K »£ salvation from God jr 50 23 ; used as infin. with ace. VB'.y Hb 3 1313 (see Ew S 239 "); accordingly Yahweh is 'JIB^I niS jn,y Zt'y7i< and my salvation ^27'; yB» TO 95 1 ; yB» Hi? i8 3 =2 S 2 2 3 ; V& '&« l s 17 10 Mi f Hb 3 18 V i8 fl =W* TW v£g 2 S 22 47 , ^ 24 s 25 s 2 7 9 65 s 79 9 85^ 1 Ch 1 6 s5 ; V 1 jap f 1 s 38 = 2 S 22 s6 ; 'ye* Q-n^K by + °2 8 ; || n i?"JV Is 45 s 5 1 5 6 1 10 ; %B>? fkfy f 5 1 " joy 0/ thy salvation; '£" B^abs? TOn'a 132 16 her priests will I clotfie with salvation. 3. victory : iW V& nniaj iff 20 7 the mighty deeds of the victory of his right hand. trnfttf; n.f. salvation;— 'B» V"9 156 + 18 t.; nny«h 3 3 Jon2 10 ; nnyc* ^8o 3 ; cstr.nyrc* Ex i4 ,3 + 4 t.; sf.VW: Jb 3<> u j 'nyiB^ ^62 2 +i 2 t., + 25 1. sfs. ; pi. ntae* 2 S 22 51 +6 1.; njflB* 42 12 + 3 t-J niVB^ 53 7 ; — 1. welfare, prosperity : 3JO 'nyB" may Jb 30' 5 as a cloud my prosperity passed away. 2. deliverance: nyie^b 9 IWVfl and <Aom ««7< oe <o me for deliverance 2 S 1 o" = 1 Ch 1 9 12 . 3. salvation by God, primarily from external evils, but often with added spiritual idea: Gn 4 9 18 (poem), Is 33 2 52 710 59 11 6o 18 Jon 2 10 V3 3 - 9 i4 7 =53 7 - 22 s 35 s 62 2 69 30 7° 5 (=nyiE>n 40"), 78 s2 80 3 9 i 16 96 2 =i Ch I6 23 , 106 4 140 8 Jb 13' 6 ; with verbs of rejoicing nyitra 1 s 2 1 Is 25 s ^9 1S 13" 35'; n ^: n V^ nicin Is 26 1 salvation will he set as walls; cf. phr. '& 'nbj* + 88 2 , 'B" b« Is 1 2 2 , 'B* "*» Dt 32 1S (song), ^89 2 ' 7 , cf. ^yien <TW 62"; V< D* Is 49 s ; 'trn rj» 12 3 weZZs 0/ salvation; pi. niy*B» (intensive), of "• : "OB niyiB'; ^ 42 s </w salvation of my face (person ; TOD M'f error, ^S ® ©), v 12 43 s ; niyiE" D13 1 i6' 3 cuj» commemorating saving acts (of drink-offering); further f 1 19»*»* II "i?^ Is 5i 8 - 8 56' 62' ^ 98 2 - 3 ; nspny viyw* J*v?7 I s 49° rn y salvation unto the emls of the earth; IJJS^ D?U~ba3 ^67 3 among all nations thy salvation. 4. victory : c. nB>y wwA victory

S 14 45 Is 26"; elsewhere of victories wrought 

by Yahweh for his people Ex 1 5 2 (song) Is 1 2' Hb3 8 f 20 6 2 1 2 - 6 44 s 68 20 118 14 '" 1 ; phrases: rtftflSj byrrforic<or?'e«74 12 ; n'ytfr |Dh Is33°«<ore of victories; DiyiB* brat? 2 S 2 2 M Qr <0!o«r of victories{Kt HjO and so || f 18 51 ); niyiB*; tiyp ^28" strongho'd of victories; * TVPSh-m W) Ex I4 13 (J) see the victory of Yahweh, 2 Ch 20 17 ; WtT y?i3 Is 59 17 helmet of victory; D'WSj ""WJ nyit^'a fr 149 4 A« w<7i beautify the meek with victory. — Cf. the syn. nyi^n, infr. fi. 1'ittj adj. (free), independent, noble (in station) (ace. to most from second, v ^18?= J)B» in sense of Ar. «^J (ef. ny.B'n infr.); but actual existence of such a -/not proven; Thes allows yiE' = yiB*) — noble, of rank (and. by implic, of character) Is 32 s (H^ra, opp. v'3), Jb 3 4 19 (Di, but || DTfc opp. b-n) — 11. yit? Is 22 s , v. sub [Sntp]. in. yiB* Ez 23 s3 , v.'e'. ■)• I. ^^lffi father of Judah's wife, ® 2ava, Gn 38 2 and (after cstr. na) v 12 1 Ch 2 3 ; v. yiB^'na p. 1 24 supr., and cf. on mng. JAB' ('3^) p. 4, V&ck) P- 46. . yiI7 n.[m.] opulence P (cf. Ar. LLl) — so AE~al. Jb 30 24 36"; but<v. sub [W?]. tNJ'^HlJ a woman of Asher 1CI17 32 ; ® 2o>Xa, ®L 2oua. t , J?ip* 1 (salary) — 1. one of the line of Jerahmeel 1 Ch 2 3131 , ® latiurjX, A If o-«, ®L If aaovti. 2. a chief of Manasseh 1 Ch 5 s4 , ® 2f«, Ifcr(a)fi. 3. a chief of Judah 1 CI14 20 . 4. a chief of Simeon 1 Ch 4 42 . , l^' , l , Qj' , (salvation of Yah; cf. V^N p. 46 supr. ; bxyB 1 on scarab CIGann jA S ie83.'Fev..H^,^_ 1- igajaj,, son of 'Amos, the prophet: Is i' + i5t. Is., 2X19'+ i2t. K.,

Ch 26" 32 2032 , © Ho-atas, 93 Isaias. 12. one 

of the children of Jeduthun 1 Ch 25 31S , ® Io-am, etc. t3. a Levite ancestor of one of David's treasurers 1 Ch 2 6 25 , © Qa-aias, @L Iwo-Tjf. trPW' 1 (salvation of Yah) — 1. grandson of Zerubbabel 1 Ch 3 21 , © laa-a^a, Ifo-fia. 2. chief of the sons of Elam, who went up with Ezra Ezr 8 7 , © Io<r«a, Hama, etc. 3. chief of sons of Merari in time of Ezra