Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/481

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-oa (appar. sign of dawn) ; numbered by God i/e 1 4 7 4 ; sim. of abundant posterity, Gn 15 5 22 17 26' Ex 3 2 ,3 (allJE); of Isr. Dti 10 io 22 28 112 iCh 27 s2 Ne 9 M ; of number of merchants of Nineveh Na 3"; as lofty, Jb 22 12 ; so in fig. of haughty nations Ob 4 Is 14"; cf. symbolic vision of Dn (|| N33f, D^Otfn Nay) Dn 8 10 ; sim. of brightness of righteous Dn 12 3 ; not pure (131) before God Jb 25 s (|| moon) ; darkened in Yahweh's judg- ment Jo 2 10 4 15 Ez 32 7 (|| sun and moon ; so) Is i3 10 (||also D^V'Pt 1 ) ; personified: as fighting Ju 5=°; shouting Jb 38' ("H£ ^3 "»R"n?, || D>n^N "33); praising + 148 3 ftiK "3313, || Bun and moon). — On stars in Arab, mythol. v. We Skizzeu III. 173 f. ' I A3 vb. be heavy, weighty, burden- some, honoured (NH Pi. honour, and deriv., 133 weight; Ph. m33 = honoured one, and in cpd. ; Eth. hfl.C: be heavy, etc.; As. kabddu or kabdtu, grow or be heavy, Dl HWB ; cf. Ar. IIS difficulty, distress; US ill. struggle with difficulties, etc. ; Zinj. 1133 honour, DHM s<„>d K h.8s. g a j,. nnua gi y ts f honour,= Heb. WU freewill offering DHM ZMQ1883 • 341, •)— Qal Pf. '3 IS24 20 ; 3 fs. -1133 Gn i8 M +4 t.; nl33 J U 20 34 ; 3 mpl. TO5J Gn 48 10 ; /rop/ 133? Ex 9 7 Is66 5 ; TJ£ Jb6 3 33 7 + 10 1. Impf. (133 Gn 1 2 10 + is given as 3 m. Pf. by some ; but it is prob. taken better as adj. SS make 133 yjr 38 s inf. abs.; <Thes adj.). — 1. be heavy, in weight, of misfortune, heavier than sand Jb6 3 ; of God's hand in punishment 1 S 5", with ?K 1 S 5 6 ; ?y V' 32 4 ; of man's hand in war Ju I s6 ; ^rUN"^ ,TJ33 »T m y hand is heavy upon my groaning Jb 23 s is explained by X Hrz Schlottm as hand smiting me; but read rather with © @ Ew De Reu Di frlj of God's hand; of pressure 'S3N Jb33 7 (® *&3); = vehement,sore, of battle Ju 20 s4 ; c^iS 31'=^ 1 Ch io 3 ; burdensome, grievous; *|vV 1333 ti?) lest we be burdensome unto thee 2S 13 2 '; of work laid upon one, bondage, with ?5? Ex 5' (JE) Ne 5"; of sin conceived as a burden Gn 18 20 (J), iniquities ^3 8 s ; transgressions, with ?5? Is 24 20 . 2. heavy, insensible, dull, of the eyes, so as to be unable to see Gn48 10 (JE); of the ears Is 59 1 ; of the 3?, hard, insensible Ex 9 7 ( J ; P and E's syn. is pin, q. v.) 3. be honoured (cf. (iapvs) of a man Jb 14 21 (opp. Iiyy : cf. Hiph. 3), of Tyre Ez 27 s5 , of Yahweh Is 66 5 . uiph. /y.iiaj 2 se^iaa? 2 s 23" a iCh 1 i 2 - ni333 Is 43 <; + 2 t. Pf.; Impf. 133N Lv io 8 Is 49 s ; n ~P%* EX14 417 ; TtlSfa 2S6 22 ; 133N Hg i 8 ; Imv.l^Tf 2K14"; "inf. H33PI Ex 14 18 Ez 3 9 13 ; Pt. 133? Gn 3 4 I9 +6 t.;'pl. &H333 Nu22 16 ; cstr.' , 'n33?Is23 8 - 9 Ps8 24 ; n^aa?Na3 ; DnH333 yf, i 49 8 ; Pl.f nil333 V87 3 — 1. pass. a. be made heavy fr. abundance, " , ia32 J"li3?yo D?Q fountains abounding in water Pr 8 24 . b. be honoured, enjoy honour, of man 1 89 s 22" 2 S 6 20 - 22 23"= i Ch 1 1 21 , 2 S23 23 2K 14 10 Is 4 3 4 49 s 1 Ch 4 9 1333 »np, 1 1 25 MR 1333 (altered from 2 S 23 s3 ); but more frequent in pt. as subst. honourable, Iwnoured, distinguishedman Gn 3 4 19 Nu22 l8 (JE) Is3 8 23 8 -'Na3 10 V'i49 9 ; ^"1333 ^87' glorious things; Niiani naaan rjtfn Dt 28 s8 the glorious and awe-inspiring name (of Yahweh). 2. medial, get oneself glory {or honour), of God Is 26 15 Ez 28 s2 39 13 Hg i 8 ; with ? in or by any one Ex i 4 41718 (P); «jrfc» Lv io 3 (P). Fiel Pf. 2 m. sf. *$TW Is 43 s3 ; 3 mpl. 1133 1 S 6 6 ; + 3 1. Pf. ; Impf 133? Mai 1 6 + 3 1. ; sf.' '-33133? v 50 23 ; 3 fs. sf. 'Jiaan is 43 s0 ; nia?* ^ 86' 2 ; "+ 1 2 t. Impf.; Imv. 133 Ex 20 12 + 2 t. • + 3 t. Imv.; Inf. abs. 133 Nu 22 17 ; + 2 t. Inf.; Pt. 13at? 2 S io 3 ; + 4 t. Pt.; — 1. make heavy, insensible (cf. Qal 2) the (3)3$> 1 S 6 6 - 6 . 2. make honourable, honour, glorify, usu. c. human subj.: a. human obj., parents Ex20 12 =Dt5 16 (Dec), Mai i 6 ; Balaam Nu 22 17 - 17 - 37 24" 11 (JE); sons of Eli 1S2 29 ; SauliSi5 30 ;Nahash 2 Sio 3 = 1 Ch 19 3 ; Jerusalem La i 8 ; more gen. ^ 15 4 ; subj. God 1 S 2 30b ^ 9i 15 , cf. Pr 4 8 . b. obj. things, sacred place Is 60 13 (God subj.); the Sabbath Is 58". c. God obj. 1 S 2 30 » Is 24* 25 s 43 20 f 2 2 24 so 1523 Pr 14 31 ; + ace. rei "pm? Is 43 28 ; + a instr. (lips) Is 2 9 1S ; + ?D fl:ine) Pr3 9 ; obj. the name of", c. ace. ^86 12 ; c. ? ^86 9 ; obj. the" 1 ^D JU13 17 . d. subj.indef. (si vera 1.), obj. God and man Ju 9" (of olive ; on text, esp. 13 for "3, v. GFM). e. obj. a heathen god r6& Dn 1 1 3838 , Pu. be made honourable, honoured. Impf. 133* Pr 13 18 27 18 ; Pt. 133D IS58 13 . Hiph. Pf. Taan La 3 7 +5 t.; 2 f. niaan Is 47 6 ; + 4 t. Pf.; Impf 133>1 Ex 8 s8 9 M { Imv. "Ban Is 6 10 ; Infin. abs. 133H Ex 8"; cstr. T33n 2Ch25 19 ; PM'aap Hb 2 6 .— 1. make heavy, a yoke 1 K I2 10U = 2 Ch io 10 ", Is 47 s ; ellipt. with 75? Ne g 15 ; a chain La 3"; pledges, with