Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/491

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P for thyself (1?), thy people (IBynS) Israel for thyself (v) intoapeople(DVp) for ever. 3. fix, so as to be ready, arrow upon (?V) string yfr 1 I 2 , so (rO om.) ^ 2 1 13 (c. Dn^B-i'y), and poss. (J*n om.) Is 5 1 13 (Di Che al. ; but dub., of. Du ; verse corrupt ace. to Che In,r - u <*), a bow f 7 ". 4. di- rect (sc. 3.?), sq. "li^np Jb 8 8 , i.e. give attention to (but no || in Po'L; rd. peril. JJia, cf. Dt32 10 , v. 01 Di). Fo'lal. Pfi be established: "D KrftS lapn^p f 37 23 /rom'i are a man's steps established/ =be prepared ^:i3 Ez 28' 3 but del. Co Da after A B <3 al. Hithpo'l. Impf. ; be established, of house, 3 ms. ]))-T} Pr24 3 (||i"lJ3?), of nation, 2 fs. »?3jS«l (Ges' 64 - 2 ") Is 54"; 3 fs. izn - &> resiored, of city Nu 2 1 » ( J E ; || man) ; set oneself, take one's stand 3 rapl. ^J3 -fy 59 s . fi. 13 adj. right, veritable, honest (prop. firm, upright; Syr. Jo recte PS 1662 ) — abs. f? Ex 1 o 29 + (on poss. cstr. v. 2 ad fin. ) ; pi. D'JS Gn 42 n.i».3i.3s.34._ lm rt -^ ;USU . indecl., subst. a right thing, esp. c. vbb. dicendi Ex io 29 (J) n"]? 1 ! II, Nu 27 7 ITO 1 * J3, 36 s (both P); Yt$ I? Pr 28 2 (the) right (i.e. order and justice) shall last long (v. De Now VB); =adv. aright, of pronunciation Ju 12 6 ; also c. vb. agendi Ec 8 10 (on Is 33 s3 v. in. J? sub pa); W#/t< we« ^ 65 10 ; (Che; al. = «o); c. tO, as adj., not right &~121. J3"N? "I2>K 2 K 1 7 9 things which were not right (vb. agendi) ; of heart of a fool Pr 1 5' ; Je 23 10 ; as subst. = what is not right, upright Je 8 6 ; c. vb. agendi |3"^7 2 K 7' that which is not right we are doing, Je 48 301 '. 2. veritable, true, , " 1 tH^"f 3 Pr 11 19 the veritable of righteousness = true righteousness; Is i6 6 =Je 48 30 * may be either their boastings are not true or (Thes Che Di Du Gr Gie al.) the untruth of their boastings (|3"SO as cpd. cstr.) ; abs., in assent to some- thing already said, Right 1 Correct ! True ! Jos2 4 . 3. pl.concr.A(m€*<(men)Gn42 111, - 31 - 33S4 (all E). — 1. 1? thus, so, v. p. 485 infr.; in. |3 place, base, v. sub )J3 ; IV. [|3], D33, D33, v. sub p. •j-n. 113 city of Hadarezer (nratjrt?) ',T ny !«!3* 1 Ch 18 8 , © « rOn j K fK rS> v not(p) av (— 'O^S 2 S 8 8 ); =mod. Kuna, near Bereitan (betw. Laodicea and Heliopolis), ace. to Furrer rv„ii.3 <) v ,-,^-,3 p g2 suprj and Thes _ "NiT^S Kt, VVXQ Qr, Levites. 1. 2 Ch 3 1 12 - 13 (v. Baer's note). 2. 2 Ch 35". — © Xaifieviat, Xwvipcas, A Xu^ci/tac. p3 T|' , 3|! (he will establish!); — 1. a Simeonite Gn46 l0 =Ex6 16 , Nu26 12 , @ Ia X «K")- . name of right-hand pillar before temple 1 K 7 J '=2 Ch3 17 , © la X ovfi (opp. tya, q.v. p. 126 f. supr.; v. alsoES 8 "" 1 ' 191 ^). t^ZP adj. gent, of pa; l, with art. as n. coll. "n Nu 26 12 . TiTUto] ('» is firm, enduring); — Je 27 20 = vn^ 24' = rroa; 2 8 4 2 9 2 1 Ch 3** Est 2« = ! in;33 Je 2 2 24 - 28 37 1 (© U X ovias through- out), all of last king but one of Judah, v. pa;Vi; p. 220 supr. t p3Q n.m. Dn "■ ll fixed or established place, foundation (chiefly poet.); — abs. 'D Ex 15 + 2t.; cstr. JWf 1 K 8 M + iot; sf. "3bD Is 18 4 , WfflS Ezr 2 68 ;' pi. sf. TOOO ^ 104 5 ;— 1. fixed place of v s abode on earth Ex 15 17 (song), 1 K 8 I3 =2 Ch 6 2 (poet, fragm.: v. © and Dr""'- 182 ); =place, or site of God's house Ezr 2 68 ; p3D"?3 |^2mn Is 4 s , appar. = aW the extent of Mt. Zion; redund. (si vera 1.) iB^pt? p3tp ifcpm Dn 8" and the place of his sanctuary shall be thrown down (on difficulties of v., see Bev) ; of heavens p3? iJjqC 1 K 8 WASi '= 2 Ch 6 30S3M , cf. f 33"; ^isp alone Is 18 4 ; fig. ^D? pat? 0EBT31 pnx ^ 8 9 1S , so 97 2 . 2. foundation, only pi., poet. fiK "ID; miap-i>y ^ 104 5 . n313Q, H33J3 n.f. fixed resting-place, t : t : 25 " base;— abs. 'DiKf+5 t.; HJ3D 1 K 7 iMM - 36 ; s f. myso Zc 5" (Ges* 27 ' 38 - 1 ); pi. rfaiap j e 27", ni3D 1 K 7 27 + 12 t.; sf. inM3D Ezr 3 3 ;— 6a«e or stand of laver ">^3 1 K7 2727 -!- 13 t. 1 K 7, 2K16 17 2 5 13I6 = Je52 17M , Je27" 2Ch4 1414 ; of altar Ezr 3 s ; of the symbol, ephah Zc 5 11 . t p33 only in 'i f$ 2 S 6 s ; © No.8o^, ANax<Bi', @L Opva tov 'U^ot/<raiot);=fl , 3 1 Ch 13 9 . Tni^Sfl n.f. arrangement, preparation, fixed place;- — 1. arrangement, disposition injtri Ez 43", i. e. the arrangement of the house (del. Co with © codd.) 2. prepara- tion, rVC^2 nsp pN1 ; Na 2 10 and no end to the preparation (i. e. things jjrepared, supply, store). . fixed place, i. e. dwelling-place, of God (=p3D) irnun Jb23 3 . t ['yO] n. [m.] cake, sacrificial cake (? -/pS; cf. Hiph. 2. a. prepare food, etc.) — only pi. H h 2