Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/559

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nri7 nrf7 (7of foil.; cf. Eth. Aflurirh: ii. i. moisten, cool; tlthhth: be moistened Di 1 ""*- 30 ; NH npn? Pilp. moisten thoroughly, Aram. npnp id., NH np moist, fresh ; HIT? moisture, fresh- ness, etc.) t I~lS adj. moist, fresh, new; — ^ Gn 30 37 Ez2i 3 ; n? if*. p l. B*6 Nu6 s +2t.;— 1. moist, fresh, of trees, fruit, etc.; np nja? Gn30 17 (J); 'S W Ez 17 24 2 1 3 ; grapes h Drajj Nu 6 3 . 2. new, of cords, v DniT Ju 16 78 , prob. made of fresh sinews of animal (cf. Syr. »£T PS 16 ° 2 ; GFM .d.oc.) t [PJ7] n.m. moisture, freshness (i. e. force, vigour); — sf. rin? DJ tO) Dt 34' and his freshness had not fled ; rd. prob. also Vila for MT tonpa Je 1 1 19 (v. Dr6 ad fin. ; on Zp 1 17 v. Din?). W, Y?b v. sub rxb. t [^IJfVJ vb - liok ( NH «' d -' s0 Aram - 1$. y r A ; Ar. eU3); — Qal Inf. cstr. ^hi)3 Nu 2 2 4 (E), sq. ace; of ox licking up grass. Pi. Pf. 3 fs. nan? 1 K 18 38 ; Impf 3 mpl. «!& Nu 22* Mi 7 ,: ; CTO] ^ 72' Is 4Q 23 ; /ic& wp (sq. ace), fire fr. heaven the water in trench 1 K 18 38 ; of Isr. consuming produce of land Nu2 2 3 (E); esp. "l?y '? lick the dust, sign of humiliation Mi 7 17 '^ 72" Is 4a 23 . I. [007-1 171 vb - fight ' do battle ( NH Hithp. ; Qnrbm MI" 1519 ; perh. = order the battle, cf. No 2 " ' 1 - 188 "- 721 ; Ar. liJ fit close togeltier, so NH Dr& Pi., Syr. p~iv Pa. unite, fl^Lfit; also threaten; Gerber VorbI>enomM thinks vb. in Heb. denom. fr. nonpo battle-line, but dub.); —

Qal (poet.) only Imv. ms. and Pt. act.— fight, 

do battle with, rare, only i/^, appar. later usage : — 'grp-ns Dn p -^ 35' do battle with those battling with me (dub. whether TIN is ace. sign or prep, with, cf. 01; || *3n;-ns nan); b D<r?n1> 56 s doing battle against me; Dry v 2 as subst. fighter. ,f Niph. 167 Pf. Dni>3 Ju 9 17 + , riDn^l ii 8 1 S 15 19 , yoni)^ Dt i 41 consec, etc.; Impf. nnS Ex 14 14 Dt i 30 ; «!? orf?) Ne 4", DH^h Ex i7 8 '+ 19 t.; 3 fs. OnWji Zc 14"; 3 mpl. wqfe) Ju i 5 + 13 1.; sf. ^!! ^ 109 3 ; 2 mpl. Wjp iK22 31 + 4t.; J»n£n 1K12", etc.; 7mK Dr&n EX17 9 1S18 17 ; ia or&n Jup 38 ; pl-W^n

K io 3 Ne 4 8 ; /«/. abs. ttfyi Ju n 25 ; cair. 

DnVn i 9 + 35 1.; ta Br$h etc., Nu 22"+ 6 1.; sf. ion^n 2 K g2» +3 t . p <# Qpipj e x I4 » + IO t-; pl. D'onpj Jos 1 o 25 + 1 o t. (but 1 S 3 1 l rd. rather

  • »n|>: , so || 1 Ch io 1 We Klo Bu, cf. Dr);— engage

in battle (recipr.), sometimes wage war (Jos io 5 Ju 1 1 5 1 K 14 19 22" 2 K 6 8 14 28 etc.), oft. c. 3 of enemy (60 t.) Exi 10 17 910 Nu 2I 23 - 26 22" (all E), Ju 1 i 82S 1 S 15 18 2 S 8'°+ (49 1.); less oft. c. a of city attacked or besieged tJu 9" 1 S 23 1 2 S I2 26 - 27 - 29 Is 20 1 Jos io 31 (D), 1 K 20 1 Ne 4 2 ; of tower Jul 52 ; sq.T!*?? n 12 t; also c. DV of enemy (26 1.): Ju 5 20 i i«*" Jos 1 1 5 (JE), 1 S 13 s 17 19 , also 1 S 1 7 s2 - 33 (of single combat), Dt 20 4 Jos 9 2 (both D), 2K13 12 i4 , *2Chii 1 i7 w 27 s Dn io 20 11"+; c. DV of city tJos io 29 ^), i9 47 (JE)t; c.~nX = with, of enemy, tJos24 8 (E), 1 S 1 7 9 (single combat), Je 21 5 1 K 20 23 2 K 19 9 =Is37 9 ,Je37 10 ;alsoJui2 4 2Sn ,7 2i"iK22 31 2K8 1 9 15 Je 2 1 4 32 s 33 s 2 Ch 18 30 22 s , and c. Drrix (=DPW) Jos io^D), 1 K 2o 25 (Ko l « b - "• W8 )t; c. ?5?, against, of enemy only Je 2 1 2 ; elsewhere (16 t.) of city: tJos io 5 (JE), IS7 1 2Ki2 18 i9 8 = Is 37 8 ; esp. D and Je: Dt 2o T019 Jos io 34 - 3638 (all D), Je 32 s4 - 29 34 17 - 8 ' 22 t; c.'b« of enemy +Je i 19 i5 M t; c. sf. "^on^l f+ 109 3 and they have fought against me; 0.1DJL i.e. fight together =with (against) one another +1 S 17 10 ; abs. c. ace. cogn. nionpp fight battles ti S 8 20 18 17 25° 2Ch32 8 t; abs. elsewhere Ju 5 191920 Dt I 41 Zcio s + 26t. + Dn)n^ vby TO*L i K 2 2 m ; tc. *?¥for, in behalf of, Ju 9" 2 K io 3 Ne4 8 ; c. ?=«£., Ex 1 4 14 (J), v 26 (J ; + a of enemy), Dt i 30 3 s2 20 4 ( + E? of enemy, vid. supra), Jos 1 1442 2 3 310 (all D), Ne 4 14 t; '^n*j> Vy be able to fight, c. nK of enemy 1 S 17 9 , c. 3 of enemy Nu 22", =be successful in fighting, prevail against ; so c ^5? of city Is 7', and abs. 2 K 16 5 (after b$ njn besiege). tan 1 ? n.[m.] only in DTJJ^ Dr6 TN Ju 5 s (so Mass.; Codd. On?, D.n<), usu. tr. then was there war of ( = at) the gates, but improb. ; text and meaning dub.; A©L rd. us apron Kpi6tvov, whence Bu 83103 BnS$> D$ IK t^n they used to eat barley bread; but Bu Comm - 1? 6 !>W </je barley bread was exhausted; Mayer Lambert B * JI "' U5 Qny vmn? tX then for (in) 5 cjft'es no shield was seen, etc.; other conj. in Kau AT ; cf. GFM* 41 " - t [D^nb] n. [m.] perh. intestines, bowels (mng. and V not wholly certain, cf. No ZMa A VSK - 721 ; from Dn? =press togetlier, acc.toDl Pro1193 );---