Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/595

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nbn f. (Jilt-) Gn 4 1 7 + 4 t.;—full, abs. of ears of corn Gn 41 722 ; of value, price, Gn 23' 1 C'h 2I 22.m. f -wind ( = strong) Je4 12 sq. ace. mat., bowlsoffineflourtnbbjN^ 1319 - 25 - 31 ' 37 - 43 - 49 - 65 - 61 - 67 - 73 - 79 ; spoons of incense Nu y"-».MJ».».«-»J».<B.m.r4.8o*. bowls of wine Je 35 s , cf. fig. f/ 75'; houses, of contents Dt 6" Ne 9 s5 cf. Pr 1 7 1 ; cage, of birds Je 5" (in sim., v. infr.); cart, of sheaves Am 2 13 (in sim.) 1 Ch n 13 2 K 7"; Ez 1" io 12 17 3 36 3S 37 1 ; as pred., of storehouses^ 144 13 ; cf. fig. of Naomi Ru i 21 ; of sea Ec i 7 ; with art., of full vessel 2 K 4 4 ; >">KpD pregnant woman Ec 1 1 5 ; fig- full of blessing Dt 33 23 ; wisdom 34'; justice Is i 21 ; commotion 22 2 ; fury 51 s0 ; lies, etc. Na3'; wisdom Ez 28 12 (del. A BCo) ; only twice in cstr. before that with which a thing is filled Is i 21 BSfp 'D ; J e 6" WSJ *Jo (as subst.); as subst. ingenit.(Ges il28n )f73 10 , D;asadv.=/MZ^ Nai 10 Je 1 2 6 (loudly, cf. 4% t*&», [ttifcp] n.m. 1 '" 4 fulness, that which fills (Ar.'lL Lane 27 ' 29 ) ;— 'o cstr. Gn 48 19 + i 9 t.;ii'l?Ez4i 8 '; sf. i iK%Is42 10 + 3 t.; B^W? Dt 3 3 16 + 1 2 1. ; — 1 . fulness of hand ( = handful) Ec 4" sq. ace. mat. 0"3 D3isri 'D Ex 9 s cf. Lv 16' 2 1 K 17 12 ; so homer-full of manna; Ex 16 33 cf. Lv 16 12 Nu 22 18 24 13 Ju 6 s8 ; simil. Vm t&O 2 K 4 s9 ; rarely sq. |» Lv 2 2 5 12 , cf. Ex 16" (but rd. perh. W?D so © Sam. v. Di). 2. mass of shepherds Is 3 1 * (in sim.); multitude of nations Gn 48 19 (cf. Ar. fc Qor 2 M7 al.) 3. fulness = that which fills, entire contents, of JHK Dt 33 16 f 24 1 Is6 3 8 8 34 1 Mil 2 Je8 16 47 s Ez it M 19 7 30 12 32 15 ; bin ^ 5 o 12 89 12 ; DJ IS42 10 1 Ch 16 32 ^96" 98 7 ; ■*»? Am 6 8 . 4. phrases:— top^p '» = at full length 1 S 28 20 ; full line, or portion bnn 'D 2 S 8 J ; n3i3n 'D Ez 41 s full rod (reed). f niv?P n.f. fulness, full produoe;— 'd Nu 18 27 Dt 22 9 ; 1"sbo Ex 2 2™;= full pro- duce of field Ex 22 s8 ,' 7]jn 'D <Ae/«ZZ jwodwee 0/ </te seed Dt 22 9 ; of winepress Nu 18 27 . t [nsVrp] n.f . setting of jewel (cf. vb. Pi. 2,Pu.); T — 'cstr.ns^OEx 28" 'Q« '» (as acc.cogn. with KJft); cf. sf. Dnkfe ('«£») Ex 28 20 39 13 . t [Wl vJQ, N?£j] n.m. setting, installation; (cf. vb. Pi. Pn!) ;— pi. D'Njip ('^D) Ex 25 7 + 1 3 t,; 0$ykp Lv 8 s3 ;— 1. *e«m^, '» »J3* stone* /or setting!!*. 2 5' 35 9 "cf. 1 Ch 29 2 ('D1 DHt? ^aK). 2. installation (of priests) : Lv 7 37 8 33 j = in- stallation-offering S 28 (||n#K) c f. tsrr^D v"; 'tan ^s Ex 29 2226 - 27 - 31 Lv S 2229 ; 'D? "IP? Ex 29". tNi^Q n. pr. loc. (Thes 'fill' of earth, earthwork, but v.GFM ,u9 - 6 );—l.Ki^p n'S Ju 9" (ll D ?f »Jp) bo v 20 - 20 ; near Shechem, site un- known ; © o«or Bi/d^oiiXuv. 2. citadel in Jerus. Nfmn 2 S 5" 1 K 9 1524 1 1 27 1 Ch 1 1 8 2 Ch 32 s . © usu. jj <«p<i (A 1 K 9 1524 also M*Xw). . te?ip rv? 2 K 12 21 (+«b ni'n) dub.; = 2 ? © oZcqa MaaX<u. tjlNTQ n.f. dub.: only "D - ^ nb^> Ct5 1J of lover's eyes; AE De Bae^" 1 setting, perh. better border, rim, Ot Wild fulness, abun- dance, of surrounding of eye. tjTftjF, Vh&l father of prophet Micaiah of Isr.:— rbto) i K 2 2 8 - 9 © Ufua, ©L Na/ioXc ; = &6tp> 2 Ch l8 78 . © I f|ua , A IfpXa, ©L Nu^aXi. v. "pb. "in^O v. ii. 15. UJ12^a v. wfn. ]abtt v. pk n^n v. i. fc& <bn v. »6d. ?i^, rra^o v. rb.

• i t T '

"'JYlTE) a. pr. v. I. J£d. fl- [m7Q] vb. tear away, fig. dissipate (cf. Ar. ^Il pw^ ow< eye, tooth, &c; esp. Dozy tear off branch to plant it, &c. so Eth. fl»£V*l: evellere); — Niph. fig. be dispersed in fragments, dissipated, Pf. V^Jfl JCty? tmf Is 51 6 . ti-[n?lD or H-Tp] n.[xa.] rag; only pi. wnb'o Je38 ,112 (||ni2nD). II. M/Q (-v/of foil.; meaning dubious). fn. rh'O n.m. salt (NH id.; Ar. *Ju Aram. U^i, KPlbp);_ " D a bs. Gn i 9 2r + cstr. Lv2 13 ; — safe for seasoning food Jb 6 6 offering Lv 2 ,3 - ,3,3 cf.Ez 43"; rh'O nna Nu 18" 2 Ch 1 3 s (cf. Lv 2" v. Di); used in purifying waters 2 K 2 2021 ; strewn on site of devoted city Ju 9 « cf. Zp 2 9 fO-rnap) Dt2 9 ffi (||nnS3); pro- duced in marshes reserved for purpose Ez 47"; pillar of salt 'O 3^3 Gn 19 26 ; usu. in combin. rfya- od; Gn 14 3 (fl^n poy), Nu 34 3 - 12 Dt 3 ,: