Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/607

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583 T i 12 : note esp. IP 31 it is more than that . . . (= there is enough of), Ex 9 28 i K i 2 s8 , sq. subst. Ez 44 s (v. 33); and Is 49 s "? VpHf W.} "IM D»j3nf> n3{> <oo %A< for thy being my servant was it to raise up, etc., Ez 8 17 *lfc n'?b bgJJ] '131 nife'VO was it «oo trifling to the house of Isr. /or the doing etc. (less than the doing etc. deserved)? (but ?rd. nifc>$> on anal, of 1 K 16 31 ). 7. |D is prefixed to an infin.: a. with a causal force (rare), from, on account of, through (cf. 2f): Dt7 7 ' 8 D?™? * rnnKD through J.'s loving you = because J. Joved you, 9 28 (cf. I 27 3) 2 S 3 11 ink inN1>0 = because he feared him, Is 48 4 . . . ,r iiy ! !>? = 6ecaMS« I knew ... So in . , , ij>3C, 'JjllJaO. b. after verbs implying restraint, prevention, cessation, etc., as P1XJJ T^P Gm6 2 hath restrained me from bearing, rroo nbjp 29 s5 30': so with i'e>n 20"+, inn Ex 23 s + , rfy* 34 s3 + , "^ 36 5 , «9 1 S a 5 *+ , rotf Je3i"+, B'lwin;Bx3 , +,.B3H! p W. n fl' t Jos 6 M , 2 Ch 25 13 To)® TB>n . Esp. (a) after similar verbs, expressing concisely a negative consequence, lit. away from . . ., i.e. so as not to, so that not: Gn 23"' 27 1 Jacob's eyes were dim, Fltno away from seeing = so that he could not see, " 3 > J? ipB?3 (||v 24 JB), Ex 14 5 Lv a6 B NU32 7 Dt28 55 (his eye shall be envious etc.) nnp from giving = so that he will not give, Ju 6" iS 2 31 7 9 do not be silent from us p'Vf? so as not to call (cf. 1 K 2 2 3 ), 8 7 me have they re- jected OrAv ^>pp, i6' (Ho 4 e ), 2814" (rd. ni3"inp), Is 5' 8" 21 3 23 1 is destroyed Niap so that none can enter in, 24 10 33 15 44 18 49 1S 54 9 56" 58 13 Je io 14 njnp • • • ">ya? is stupefied so that he has no knowledge, 13 14 33 s1 - 5 "* Ez 20 17 Mi 3 6 Zc 7* a V 30 4 Qr» 39 s 6 9 M i 02 * ( after natf, peculiarly), io6 23 La 3" 4 18 Jb 34 30 * 2 Ch 3 6 13 . So in rritpjio 'jm^bn <fei« 7 WktmU wo< do Gn 44 17 + . (0) still more concisely, esp. in poetry, with a noun alone : 1 S 1 5 s3 has re- jected thee ^BD from (being) king (v 26 ni'np ^p), Lv 26" DHD, Is 7 8 DVP flffi shall be shat- tered /roOT (being) a people, <Aa< it be no more a people, 17' TfB "«», ttf" 52" •W?? I 3 VltOO BhflJ marred away from (being) a man('s), Je2 25 *|n»p, 17" fiyip, 4 8 2 ^P nsrnaii, v 42 DVP, ^ 8 6 hast made him lack but little DT^NO ut non esset Deus, 83 s ^P, Pr 30 2 ">5?3 t^NB »3lK too boorish to be a man; cf. Dn 4 13 ; 1 K 15 13 n^*3atp nip?! removed her from (being) queen-mother, Ez 1 6 41 njitt? ^n3l?>rn • and even T to express absol. the non-existence of a thing not named in the principal clause, as Is 23 1 '? J-pap "IIB' so that there is no house, Ez 1 2" (32 1 ' 6 ), 25' Dnynp, Ho 9 »-»-»-» Mi 3' Hg i 10 ?BB, Zc 7 14 9 8 ^ 39 s 49 15 ^"ban? «o that it has no dwelling, 52 7 7t}faQ ^ne? pluck thee up tent- less, 109 24 is lean fCtf? so that there is no fat- ness, Jb 28" 33 21 34^- 0ft - strengthened by pleon. pK or ?*, as 3E* pKB Is 5', 3En" ^ap v. pp. 35a, 115K Cf. Ko UL5Wt c. with a temporal force, smee, a/ter (cf. 4), chiefly late : Nu 24 23 bt* iBtpp a/i!er God's establishing him, Is 44 7 ol'iVDy 'P&p since I appointed the an- cient people, Ho 7 4 Hg 2 16 (?) Eu 2 18 Ne 5 14 1 Ch 8 8 DniK ini>B>-fP (cf. 6 16 ) 2 Ch 31 10 Dn n 23 12 1 (cf. 9 25 ), ^ 73 20 Ti?™ D ^na ajftw (one's) awak- ing, Jb 20 4 . . Once Dt 33" as a conj. before a finite verb. Smite ... his haters POPHP that they rise not again, poet, for D'PP (7 b) : cf. Dr in . — On iB^tp adv. and conj., v. p. 84. . In compounds :— a. *2JW?j n $9, P 3D , ^S^P, "isfl?, ?>p (common in NH, esp. before inf.' ; in O.T. only in 13^?, Kiabp (supr. 5 a), r6^pi>p, npp!)p, np^D, D^B^p, ps^p, and, si vera 1., DTinn n.bjjobp Jd 8 13 , v. n^jjp), nasp, i>SP, Dyp, nnnp; see *!}&, n«, etc. b. |pi» (^pis fMi 7 1212 ), with |» pleon., from = P?, but used almost exclusively of the terminus a quo, whether of space or time (cf. JP 5) ; — (1) of space, Dt 4 32 Ju 20 1 V2# n«3-iyi pipS, Mi7 15 - 12 (both ^P^), Zc 14'° 1 Ch 5'; pimp^ from afar Jb 36 s 39 M (on Ezr 3 13 2 Ch 26", v. sub i> IS); p nnnpp = underneath I K 7 3S . Idiom., esp. sq. lyi, to denote comprehensively an entire class, npna nyi ^nd|j t Ex 1 1 7 Je 5 1 t2 (WJf5$), n^x nyi ^xpb t z S 6 19 2 Ch 1 5 13 , bina ijj jbijp^ t2K23 J Je 4 2 8 , simil. 2 Ch 15" Jep 34 Est jj^ nto-ijn vipi» +2 S 13 23 , n;^ tan'^-y japi» nppisl 1 1 Ch 27***, cf. 2 Ch 25 s .— On rv'api* Nu 18 7 , see p. 1 io b . (2) of time (oft. foil, by *1$?), . . . lEfc Di»n pi) /row the day when . . ., fDt 4 M 9 7 2 S 7 11 (j| 1 Ch i7 10 W D'PJPI") Je 7 2S 32" Hg2 18 ; ...1'f« Q'Pjn nxpp^> +Dni 18 ; Di>n jpb sq. inf. (in appos.) fEx 9 18 2 S I9 2S ; Di s p|> sq. inf. (genit.) tJu 19 30 2 S 7" Is 7 17 ; . . . "on?^ f 2 K 1 9 25 (|| Is 37 26 »0»D) Mai 3 7 ; "|D^ D^iy nyi D^J? t Je 7 7 25 s ; Pirnp!> from afar = long before, 2S7"=iChi7 17 , 2"Ki9 25 =Is37 28 .