Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/609

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ma De "Brutstdtte" i. e. father of numerous progeny (Vpj); <Be Str (who cites A. Miiller), cf. Wild., rd. JVid ««n/«. D^D, HD^D v. ua. -fan v. 1»3. T t ; T n-fan v. to. [ffnjsn] v. in. njQ (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. 1L. Zenrf, $we a gift, i.ivL* toa», <7i/i! esp. of she camel, sheep, or goat for milking, Ph. ni"UD, gift, offering'). nri3Q 153 n.f. gift, tribute, offering (NH id.; Ph. nnJO ; X ""rot? ; on Ar. v. supr.) ;— abs. 'o Gn 4 3 + 8i t.; cstr. nn3D Lv 2 7 + 22 t.; sf. VlPiJO Gn 3 3 10 +3t.; + 4i t. sfs. sg.; pi. sf. fnmii ^ 20 4 ; M'nrao Nu 29*' Am f;—

1. gift, present Gn 32" 19 J1W (E), 33 10 4 3 1U5 * - M 

(J), Ju 6" iSio s iKio b =2 Ch 9 24 2 K 8 8 - 9 2o' 2 = Is 39 1 , ^ 45" 2 Ch 32 s3 . t2. tribute Ju 3«.w*« 2 S 8 26 = 1 Ch 18 26 , 1 K 5 1 2 K 17 34 2 Ch 17 s11 26" Ho io 6 f 72 10 . t3. offering made to God, of any kind, whether grain or animals Gn 4 3 " Nui6 ,s (J), 1 S 2 17 - 9 26" Is i 13 f 9 6 8 Zp 3 10 ; + (prob.) nnjen rri^) 1 K 18 s9 - 36 2K3 20 (f]phr.; usually regarded as = S^V nroo, but that much later usage). This gen. meaning poss. also in foil. : nnjDl mr 1 S 2 W (see v Mb ), " IS19 21 ; nnjoi ni>» Jei4 12 -, || nSy ^2o 4 ; II D^ Am 5 M (niVy gloss, to explain nnN); or these may shew early stage of discrimination. t4. grain offering (whether raw, roasted, ground to flour, or prepared as bread or cakes, see below. AV meat offering, misleading < RV meal-offer- ing. GFM 3tt °* n *** renders cereal oblation) ; — nine ^33 nroorrriK VP% Is 66 20 they bring the grain offering in clean vessels (restored Jews are brought as such an offering), cf. mine nrUD Mali 11 ; brought in hands Je4i s (late addit. Co); received from hands Mai i 10 ; iiri3D7 D^tsn 1 Ch 2 1 23 wheat for grain offering; TOO 1 Ch 23 s9 , mixed with oil Ez 46", baked v 20 ; disting. from other offerings 1 K 8 64 - 64 =2 Ch f, 2 K 16' 3151515 Is 43 ra 57 6 66 3 Je I7 2S 33 19 41 s (late editors Co), Ez 42 13 44 s9 4$"*** Dn 9 s7 * 40 7 ; used alone Ne 13 69 Ez 45 s4 4 6 6 - 67 "" 1415 Mai i B a** 3" Ju I3 19 - 23 (R, GFM Jud « M322 ); nruo 3^.y(n) evening grain offering 2 K16" Ezr 9 4S Dn 9 21 ^ 1 4 1 2 ; Tonn nmt? continual grain off. Ne 1 o 34 , cf. Lv 6 13 Nu 4 16 (all cases under 4 exilic or post-exilic). 5. grain- offering, always with this meaning in P, in classifications Ex 30 9 40 29 Lv 7 37 23 s7 Nu 18 9 29 s9 Jos 22 s3 - 29 :— a. 3<at ? grain in the ear parched with fire, with oil and frankincense Lv 2 14U . b. Tl?b fine flour with oil and frankincense Lv 2 1 6 7 ; else- where JOB'S nW>3 mingled with oil Lv i4 ,Ml " Nu 7 1

s I5 4.e.. Nu 2gi 

b + 6«. 29 3.9.U ; except sin offering of very poor where offered without oil and frankincense Lv 5"" 13 . C. T JD baked in an oven as ni?n perforated cakes, or , i? , i?"! flat cakes Lv 2 4 7 9 Nu 6 15 , nanori by on a flat pan Lv 2 5 6' 4 7 9 , or DE'tl'lO frying pan Lv 2 7 7 9 . All these always unleavened (J"liSD) and mixed with oil and salt Lv 2"" 13 . d. at Pentecost to consecrate new bread, nehn nriJD new grain offering of two loaves of leavened bread Lv 23 1617 Nu 28* e. barley meal without oil or incense ; I^Jp nnoip grain offer- ing of jealousy, Jil3] 'O Nu g 151825 . Cf. phrases "£>3n rinjjp morning oblation Ex 29 41 Nu 28 s ; 'b ja-i^ Lv 2 1 - 413 ; D^iss 'o Lv 2 14 ; D-na 'o Lv 6 14 . T 6. vbs. of offering are N*3n Gn 4 3 (J), Lv 2 2 -» (P), Is i 13 66 2020 Je 1 7 26 Mai i 13 ; 2 ,_ !i?n Lv 2 1 - 81 ' 6 7 Nu s 23 ; n'B»y Nu 6' 7 28 31 1 K 8"= 2 Ch 7 7 , EZ45 24 46 714U ; wpr 2 K 16 13 " Je 33 18 ; TOjm Is 57 6 66 3 Je i4 12 ; B^;n Am 5 25 Mai 2 12 3 s ; bwn Zp 3 10 ; atw + 9 6 9 , also ("d = tribute) 2S8 26 and ||. nnjn v. nnwo sub nu. OTOn v. oro. nn:n, niron, '•rirun v. nu. "»Xa v. njo. fi.^JO region of Armenia ; — Jesi 27 (HO-i-iS, T33ipK); = As. Mannai Schr. COTadloc.: KGF 174.212.520 ii. ^n, ■'so v. jo. *m + 45 9 v. i. [jo]. HV3Q v. njO sub H3D. t : T - Q^:Q v. [n^o] sub rbi. |J?3 (of foil.; Ar. ^ is praecidit funem, diminuit numerum, debilitavit; also 6e boun- teous, Qor 3 158 al., ^ a ^if<y whence Zerweck rr»p.Min4 assumes a primary mng. <o separate — either /rom or for (" zutheilen"), as the case might be). fn- []D] n.[m.] portion (Sim Hup al.); — injrp ^ 68 24 , but rd. (n_) .njD 01 Dy Bi Che We (v. ri3D supr.). — ^45' 154 4 v. 1. JO supr. Tn^ip in Ammonite territory, site unknown (4 Rom. m. fr. Heshbon Euseb.