Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/62

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te s njnp' 1 ! ( c f. 102 10 Qal supr.); sq. ace. pers. + JD ^ 81", but also subj. man Pr 25 21 ; 1 K 22 s7 a Ch 18* n$ D $ V^?«5?1 of prison fare ; sq. ace. pers. only 2 Ch 28", cf. Ez 2 a . 2. cause to devour, obj. sword Ez 21 33 (but on text vid. Co). N n.m. Gn41 ' 36 food (Ar. jtf, Aram. JOMK, JboV, As.aAa/MDl w , Eth. Ml&:)— 'Xabs. On 41"+; cstr. Gn4i 3548 ; sf. ij3N LV25 37 ; ^3K Mai 1 » etc. ;— Hex mostly JED, not Ez — food, food-supply , esp. cereals of store in Egypt Gn 4 i 3SJS + 12 t.Gn 41-44; 47 24 cf. i4 n ( JE ); also Lv 1 1 84 25" (P) Dt 2 6 - 28 (D); '« q# unity o//ood Dt 2 3 M (D) (|| *|D3 '3, etc.); i>$kn D$ a<J meal-time Ru 2"; tpoet. i^t.; — /ood ^io7 18 ; of offerings Mai i 12 ; partic. food Jb 12" (as tasted); 36 31 (as given by God) so ^i45 15 ; SP3J a^nb 'K Lai" cf. v"; esp. cereals Pr 13 23 Jo*ri 6 Hb 3 17 ; but also flesh V78' 8 ' 30 ; of food (prey) of wild animals ^ 1 04 21 ( || spo) tt ; of prey of eagles Jb 9 s6 39 w ; ravens 38 4 '. i"i~l70N n.f. food, eating (with some ver- bal force, cf Dr jrh1 "- 217 ) only P, & Ez ; always r$9$j>, 1. esp. in phr. like ^ rWr) D3^> Gn I 29 6 21

3 Lv 1 1 39 ; so 25 s H^" D?^ H?7 n ?^ "$#1; 

cf. 'Kb fOJ Gn i 30 Ex 16 15 . 2. devouring, by wild beasts, only fig. of ravaged people Ez 29 s 34 s ' 8 ' 10 39 4 > cf. 35 1J - 3- consuming, in fire Ez 15 46 , of fire-sacrifice of children 23 37 ; fig. of judgment of '< Ez 21 37 ; (cf. also inf. of ??£). ^5^1 Pr 30 1 rd. 5>3NJ & v. fife). 'tTn'ON n.f. an eating, a meal 1 K 19 8 (on form v.Ba 1 ™ 188 ). t^3NE n.m. Jul414 (f. Hb i 16 ) food— 'O Gn2 9 +2°it.; cstr. 5>3MD Gn40 7 +3t.; sf. l|»3«0 Ez 4 10 ; "taxp Hbl 16 ; ^3KO Pr6 8 ; D3i53KO Dn i w —food, in genl. Gn 6 21 1 K io 6 = 2 Ch 9 4 Hg 2 12 ; opp. drink Ezr 3 7 2CI1 1 1" Dn i 10 ; i" 1 !^'? ^^p Jl>33 20 ; fig. of peoples as fishes, food for Chaldeans Hb 1 16 ; appl. to fruit Gn 2 9 3 6 (of tree 1&> 3to) cf. '»T5? Lv 19 23 Dt20 20 Ne 9 K Ez 47 ,2: ' 2 ; appl. to m Is 62 s ; appl. to honey Ju 1 4 14 ; to flour 1 Ch 1 2 41 where appos. nop; to food of ants Pr6 8 (||Dn^); to baker's work Gn 40' 7 cf. Ez 4 10 ; appl. to carcasses, as food for beasts & birds of prey Dt28 26 V' 79 2 cf. 44 12 ('» f**f, sim. of suffering people) Je y 33

  • D /3NQ n.f. knife (as cutting instrum.,

or instrument for dividing, making small, cf.


S[iegfr.]{{sup|ThLZ Nov. 17, '83) Ju:19:29; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Gn:22:6.10, pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Pr:30:14.

tnVfsC n.f. fuel cstr., only tffc'KO l S9 «-». "JY?S)0 n.f. food-stuff, consisting in D'tSH, 1 K 5^ (on form v. Bo' 416 Sta 1112 *' 2 ). t|DK (perh. from Wj cf. Aram. ffi & j?-n) adv. with strong asseverative force: a. surely, truly, esp. at beginning of a speech (stronger & more decided than Xfi) Gn 28 16 Ex 2" 1 S 15 32 Is 40 7 45 16 Je 3 s323 4 10 8 8 . In 1 K 1 1 2 »?K stands unusually; and (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (cf. G S T) should prob. be read (so Klo). b. emphasizing a contrast, but indeed, but in fact, esp. after ^"lDK / said or thought, expressing the reality, in opp. to what had been wrongly imagined, Is 49 4b (opp. to V) 53 4 (OPP- to v 3 -") Je 3 *> (opp. to the expectation v 19b ) Zp 3 7b V 3i nb (opp. tov 23 *) 66 19 82 7 (opp. to v 6 ) Jb 32 s (opp. to v 7 ). t'lDitf vb. press, urge (Mish. id., Aram. Aofbe urgent, cf. &>o}, Ar. i_jl5l saddle); — Qal Pf. Pr 1 6 M WB vbv '« ( || *6 nbpy i>EJ) Efej) i.e. his hunger impels him to work. t [*pN] n.m. pressure, sf. «3* Jb 33 7 (© al. rd. »»?cf. 13 21 , but cf. Di). "QK (Ar. J5I dig, till the ground). t""GN n.m. Jo111 ploughman, husband- (Ar.Jlfi, Aram. J*#', N l? ,{ <, cf. Mish.) man 'K sg. abs. Je 51 23 ( + VTOS) Am 5 16 ; pi. nnax Je 14 4 31 24 (|| T!SQ Wp:i) '2 Ch 26 10 (|| M?iS) Jo i 11 (|| id.), D3*T$K Is6i 5 (|| id.) r]UJ2N v. *|Bb. I. 7N (=jT, Ar. article, preserved perh. in following words derived by Hebrews from (or through) Arabic-speaking tribes; cf. Eng. algebra, Alhambra, alkali, alcohol, alcove, etc.) tttfaaSM n.[m.] hail (=Ar. JJJS gyp- sum; cf/sub E>3J) '« 'J?* Ez 13 1113 38". to" , *p , lil7^| n.[m.J pi. a tree (foreign & ob- scure) alw. with ^S J|, perh. sandal- wood : — 2 Ch 2 7 It] D^i-O D"nK :, X5? (fr. Lebanon); '« ^5? 2 Ch 9 10 (II n "!^ I??; ^ oth &■ Ophir); cf. v", vid. foil. tff'MjV*? n.[m.]pl. id, D'?oi)K ^ 1 K io 11 - 12 (fr. Ophir); 'Kn 'V 1 K io 12 ! tTtiWM of South-Arab, people (but prob. rd. b$ (Sab., god) for ^«,cf. Di Gn io !, ,& Glas 8 ""- 280 God is loved (?)) Gn io 20 1 Ch I 2 ".