Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/624

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pvron tpWpP n.[m.] id.;— abs. sg. only Pr20 30 Qr, v. pio Hiph. ; elsewhere pi. cstr. P'npri tftfsn Est 2"; sf. n'pnon v 9 , RJtP^ v 3 . II. p"1Q {V of foil.; cf. Ar. jJ^fiUapot urith rich broth (Frey Wahrm)). tp"Tft (van d. H Pip) a.m. juice stewed out of meat, or broth (on form cf. Lag BN5<1 ); — nnea d'b> piDni J u 6" (v. GFM); Pip-Trw •pB?' v 20 ; cstr. PIP Is 65' Qr, so Vrss (Kt pis) broth of unclean things. [np T -)Q], sT7i?7?* n ?£~)P ▼• npi. f I. Tift vb. be bitter (NH id.; As. - T m f mardru and deriv. D1 HWB427 ; Ar. ^ become roused (of bile), n.make bitter, I v. become bitter; y. bitter; Eth. aoll: ; Aram, wo, Tip);_Qal Pf. 3 ms.lD Is 3 8 ,7 + 2 t.; 3 fs. HTD 1 S 30" 2 K 4"; 7»np/. 3; Is 24 s ; — be bitter; 1. lit. vn'B'b -OB* 1»2 Is 24*. 2. fig. PB3 rnp

S 30 6 the soul of all the people was bitter 

against ("^if); ^"'TTD HK'B? zKf'fer somZ, tJ t« W«er to her (i.e. she is in bitter distress); impers. 0|O TND *JT" ID R u I 13 it is very bitter to me on your account (I am much distressed), cf. La i 4 .— io ^~iO Cli^e'b Is 38 17 is dub.; Che Comm - for (my) welfare was it (so) bitter to me, (so) bitter, cf. Brd ; so De Kau (treating no appar. as adj.); <Drechsl. Di for my welfare did the bitter become bitter to me (TO adj.); Lo Gr, cf. Buhl (sub ID adj.), rd.TD for ID ( ./mo), the bitter is changed for me into welfare; Che 1 "* del. TO ; Du (after ®) del. cl. as gloss. Pi. Imp). 1 s. TTPJj Is 2 2 4 ; 3 mpl. trVft Ex i M , sf. *TTie^ Gn 49 M ; — make bitter, sheiv bitterness:— X. 'DT Gn 49 s3 (poem) and the archers shewed bitterness (i.e. bitter hostility) toward him (sf. of indir. obj.); ^J? TICK Is 2 2* / will shew bitterness in weeping ( = weep bit- terly). 2. Dn»rrnK tn Ex i" (P) and they made their lives bitter by slavery. Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. Ton Ru i 20 Jb 27*; Impf.

ms.Tpri Ex 23 21 (but rd.TDn v'mo Hiph. 

q.v.); Inf. abs. TDri Zc 12 1010 ; — wta£« fatter, shew bitterness: 1. 'B'BJnpn ^Jbz^Shadday, who hath embittered my soul; TNO v *V? n pn Ru 1 !0 . 2. Ttaan-^8 npns vbv Tfjjrij Zc 1 2 ,0 and a bitter outcry ( = lit. shewing bitterness ; || TBDO , TBD) over him, like a bitter outcry over the first-born.

ma Hithpalp. /wp/.TpTprn Dn 1 1" and the king of the south shall embitter himself (be enraged); /$ 'DW 8 7 and Ae was enraged against. fi.'Vfi adj. and snbst. bitter, bitter- ness;— abs. 'o Pr27 7 + ,-«?n Hb i 6 ,iD^6 4 4 + ; cstr.^D 1 S22 s + ; f. "TO Gn27 34 + , «T? Ru i 20 ; cstr. rno 1 S i 10 ; mpl. Dno Ex is 23 ^-; cstr. ♦TO JU18 25 Pr3i 6 ;— titter.' 1. lit., of water Exi5 23 (J); food Pr2 7 7 (opp. pinp); wormwood ("?$) Pr 5 4 (in sim. of end of harlot, cf. Ec 7 26 infr.); as subst. pi., of physical pain, result of curse D*TJj£ Nu 5 s4 - 27 , whence D'TOri <D v 18 (cf.Di) v 19 - 23 ' 24 ; of harmful result of ruthless fighting 2 S 2 26 ; of wickedness Je 2 19 4 18 ; = injurious, hurtful Is 5 2020 (opp. pinp). 2. fig., a. of cry (np T yx, np T y?) Gn 2 7 34 (J), Est4'; TO "'SOP Ez 2 7" (del. Co); ID ifi ^6 4 4 ; as adv. (cry, weep) bitterly Ez 2 7 30 (TO), Zp 1 14 Is 33 7 (both TO), b. of feeling, temper, esp. c. Bfci : fftfjK EJ»D3 np Ju 1 8 25 men fierce (GFM acrid) of temper, so 2 S 1 7 8 (like a bear robbed of whelps) ; ion •'Sin Hb i 6 the fierce nation; V&-Q=dis- contented 1 S 22 2 ; B'S? , "l.p=<A« bitterly wretched Jb3 20 Pr3i e , so '3 nip 1 S i 10 ; of. TO tip Am 8 10 ; as subst. abstr. C'DJ »p bitterness of soul Is 3 8' 5 Ez 27 31 (del. Co),'jb 7 11 io ] = mo 55>BJ 2I 26 ; cf. KTD Ru i 20 (name given to Naomi by herself); riip^TD 1 S i5 32 </*e bitterness of death; JYipp->p E'J 7 2 " (metaph. of harlot) ; in Ez 3" I went bitterly, del. TO Co.— Is 38 17 v. "no. t"lb, Tin n.m. c ' 5 ' 5 myrrh (fr. bitter taste; As-wiMrrMMeissn 80 " 1 - 60 ; Ar.J^I; cf.Lag™ 40 );— abs. Tb V 45'+ 5 *•» Tio Ct 4 6 + 3 t. Ct; cstr. ~>p Ex 30 23 ; sf. *Tte Ct 5 1 ; — myrrh (late), an Arabian gum, exuding from the bark of a tree, Balsamodendron Myrrha (v. Sigismund Arom * u i!t j^hwb*^. — ag fl ow i n g ; i. e . fi ne> choice (carefully prepared by pressing and mixing, cf. Di" 130 - 23 Ri HWB ): TWpp Exso 23 ^. i.T*^), ingredient of sacred oil ; T3y nio Ct 5 613 (as perfume) ; cf. (as perfume) Ct 1 13 4 14 5 15 ; iiDn~in 4 6 , i.e. where it is gathered; as perfume also VM5 9 Pr7 17 , as incense n^ lb nippp Ct 3"; lion JOB' as unguent Est 2 12 . NT.O Eu i 20 , v. 1. TO supr. TrP?T, of bitter spring in Sinaitic penins/Exis 2323 ^), Nu3 3 8 - 9 (P), +n_loc. nrnp Ex ^(i); prob. mod.'^m Hawwdra"". (Cf Eob BBI67 Palmer """ 40 Eb os 125t )