Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/642

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10 31 s7 (in sim.). Esp. 1. of king of Isr.: of 

Saul by '3b two ( + acc. pers.), I S 9" (subj. proph.), cf. of Sol., subj. people, 1 Ch 29 s2 ; io 1 (subj/'); of David by '3b TO 1 Si 3 14 25 30 , V1JX ?? '3 2 S 6 21 (in these '» subj.), by 'sb R»H 5 2 , ^ 'i tm f 1 Ch 1 1 2 1 fl cf. also 5 2 2 Ch 6 5 ; of David also 'j> '3 £3 Is 55 4 ; of Sol. ins njx ^y '3 Wnb 1 K > (* subj.) ; of Jerob. by 'S |TU ( + ace. pers.) 1 K 1 4 7 ('♦ subj.) ; so 1 6 2 of Baasha; of Hezekiah n?j> '3 2 K 20 5 ; T?J^ Vrisa ob ( + acc. pers.) 2 Ch n 22 (of Abijah, subj.' Rehob.); of Judah 1 Ch 28*. 2. of a foreign ruler or prince Ez 28 2 Dn 9 s26 . 3. the title of some high official connected with the temple Je 201 (of Pashḥur) (Symbol missingHebrew characters) and he was prince-overseer in, etc. (for (Symbol missingHebrew characters) see 2926 ); hence (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 1 Ch 911 2 Ch 3113 358 (three (Symbol missingHebrew characters), including the high-priest), Ne 1111; of high-priest Dn 1122 (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 4. ruler in other capacities (late): of tribe 1 Ch 27 16 2 Ch 19"; of Korahites 9 20 ; of Aaronite warriors 1 2 s7 ; of division of army 1 Ch 13 1 2 7 4 2Chu" (commandant of for- tress), 32 s ' (in Ass. army: ||"rt?); of temple- treasuries 1CI126 24 , cf. 2CI131 12 ; nun '3 2Ch 28 7 (i.e. of palace?). 5. princely things, pi. abstr. Pr 8 6 . tPTJ3 vb. shine (As. nagu, shine, beam, be joyful, D1 HWB446 ; Eth. }7H: Aram, 0^; NH S tirp planet F«nws)— Qal 7 J /.-iiK '3 frrT ^B I Jb22 28 ; nn^by'3 iw is 9 '; Jmpf. 3»3f> nirwi "lE>N Jb 18 5 . Hiph. imp/ 1. enlighten "s&n rtv mm 2 S 22 s9 = ♦arti gac 'nbx niT • : t - -- - • . yjr 18 29 . 2. ca^se to «At'«e (of moon) TO DTI

niNiwisi3 10 (||-Fn).

fi.TO] n.f." b3 ' 4 brightness; — '3 abs. Am 5 10 +; cstr.Is4 5 + ; sf. OHM Jo 2 10 4 15 ;— bright- ness of a (clear, sunshiny) day Am 5 10 (|| 11K; opp. bsx, ^Bfrl), 2 S 23 4 (lOStp after rain); so fig. of Zion ; s dawning, ^n-]]'3 Is 60 3 (||-iiN); of her righteousness ^33 62 1 (c. art. only here and Ez i 2 "), || TJOJ Tabs ; of moon Is 60 19 , of stars Jo 2 10 4 15 ; of theophany 2 S 22 13 = >/<■ i8' 3 (in storm); cf. Ez I 4 - 27 - 28 , " ni33 '3 io 4 ; 11K3 '3 Hb3 4 ; tf?<b'3 Ezi 13 , n3nb m '3 Is4 6 ; |TQ '3

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) Hb 311 (of glitter of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s spear; (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingHebrew characters)); of individ., (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Is 5010 (fig. of distress || D'???") ; so '3 "liNS D'i?' ,,: !X rn&fl Pr 4 18 the path of righteous men is like a light of brightness. .< •f 11. TOO a son of David ace. to lCh3 7 I4". © Noym, yayid, etc. t[PITO2] n.f. brightness; fig. of pros- perity ;— pi. ninisb is 59' (opp. nibsx ; fl •&), tnJD vb. push, thrust, gore (NH id.; Ar. ^ succeed, attain, make progress; Z as BH);— Qal Im V f. HR Ex 21 283132 (E), 1$ v 31 ; — <?ore, subj. 'w, sq. ace. pers. Pi. /mp/. n|j| Dt33 17 ; 2 ms. nasn 1 K 22 11 2 Ch

10 ; WT33TI Ez34 21 ; 0333 ^ 44 6 ; Pt. 0.330 Dn 

8 4 ; — push or thrust at, sq. ace: of Joseph under fig. of wild ox Dt33 17 , cf. 1 K 22"= 2 Ch 18 10 ^44 6 (|| D13); v. also Ez 34 21 (of Isr. under fig. of sheep), cf. Dn 8 4 (of ram in vision ; obj. not expr.). Hithp. Impf. 333? ^bo ta>S H33JT Dn 1 1 40 engage in thrusting with, wage war with. TTOO adj. addicted to goring, pred. of •W Ex^i 29 - 36 (E), cf. Ba NB49 . JJ (-v^of foil., mng, unknown ; Ar. J^J is strike, split, pierce, but v. infr.). tbSp n.[m.] sickle (Ar. Jjj^i* (yet poss. Aram, loan-word Fra 133 ), Aram. )k'>v!^o); — c. ban handle, wield Je5o 16 {$*%); c. nb^ Jo 4 ,s fig. of judgment. t [|J J] vb. touch (strings), play a stringed instrument (NH Pi.; Aram. J3? Pa.);— Qal Pt. D'333 ^68 26 payers (|| Bit, niBBin ntoby). Pi! Pf. |3?1 1 S 16 16 (consec), v 23 ; /mp/. 1 pi. J333 IS38 20 ; /«/. cs<r. ?M iSl6 ,7 + 5t.; Pt. fjUD 1 S i6 16 + 4t.;—p«a2/ 11333 1 S 16 16 ; 1T3 v 1623 (T33 in context), 18 10 19 9 ; c. ace. cogn. Is 38 20 ; in sim. 1.33 3D» Ez 33 32 (|| HpTO DUW tf). «^K '3b 3-C3-D 1 S 16 17 , cf. ■f 33 3 Is2 3 16 (both ||T^ f 3 JTT 1 S 16 18 ; also 2 K 3 15 ; Yt.=player, min- stref{ci. Qal) 2 K 3 1515 ; cf. also |8» VT &«  li333iSi6 16 (Ges 5120b ). t[n2^] n.f. music;— abs. WM ^6i' (v. infr.); sf. "nr?3 + >jf; Dn3'33 Jb 3 o 9 + 2 1; pl.ni3'33^ 4 1 + 6t.'; *)&% IS38 20 ; 'n-Hb 3 19 ;-- 1. music (of stringed instr.) ace. cogn. Is 38 20 ; as occupation La 5 14 ; esp. ni3 , 333 in i^-titles ;

  • 4 l 6 1 54 1 55 1 67 1 76'; so Hb 3 19 ; cf. nr?rby

^ 61 1 (rd. perh. pi. Ges 580t ). 2. song (with string accompJ) f 77 7 ; «M6jec« 0/ mocking «okjt Jb 3 o 9 (||nb»),^69 13 03B^niE"3),La3 14 (|| pn'f). t [nO^aO^] n.f. (mocking, derisive) song (cf. foreg.);— DTifaso La3 ra , i.e. sm6j«c< o/<A«tr mocking song.