Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/715

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(II P? n»5).— niDb 3D? t6 Mi 2« could mean reproaches do not depart, i.e. cease (Hi-St Che GASmNowRV); Now prop, also (emending foil, v.) shall not disgrace depart from Jacob's house? Bulil L " 13 conj., plausibly, Xty (ViVi) disgrace shall not overtake us. 2. be turned or driven back, be repulsed, of (Symbol missingHebrew characters)'s foes : + (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je 4 6 5 Is 4 2 ,? V'35 4 40 16 =7o 3 , 129 5 . Hiph. 1. usu. of displacing, moving back a boundary mark (-"135), Imp/. 2 ms. VDPl Bt 19", juss.JEFl Pr 22 28 23' 10 ; 3 mpl. W Jb 2 4 2 (e> for D); JPt. '3 J'DD Dt 27 17 , '3 '?:BO Ho 5' . 2. remove, carry away, valuables, to rescue them, juss., 2 ms. 2DF1 Mi 6 14 si vera 1. (on synt. v. Br» IKU - 2i 155 ob8 -). Hoph. Pf. 3 ms. BBBto ninx 3pm Is 59 14 and justice is driven back (|| pirn» HgTX ">»5>>?). D Ez 22 18 v. following. TJTO, TXD n.[m.] 1. a moving back or away ; 2. dross (what is removed from metal);— abs. VO Ez 22" Qr (31D Kt), 3^ 1 K 18 27 Qtf for D, but v. infr.); pi. D'VD (van d. H. &i0) Is i 22 + 3 t.; DiD Ez 22 18 + 2 t.; sf. <J$e Is i 25 ; — 1. a moving back, away: V Vfe> 1 K 18 27 <Acre is a moving back to him = he has moved back, away (prob. of temporary withdrawal, diff. from Tfl journey). 2. dross, usu. of silver Pr 25* (IDS 1 ?), 26 21 ('D «1D3), so (fig. of Isr.) Is i 22 cf. v 25 , Ez 2 2 ,8h (*]D3 D"rp MT, Tjina 'D '2 © Co Perthol; — Co del. 'D, not so Berthol Toy), cf. v 18a - 10 ; indef. f 1 19 119 . f II. [XV, SW] vb. fence about (Aram, word ; ^^oas , ^o sepsit, circumsepsit, clausit, ^■00 sepes, cf. X VD Pa. fence about, NJ^D fence; NH 31D /mce about; Ar. ^Ll-. enclosure made with thorns, etc., around grape-vines, etc. Lane" 6 ", _£«, 11. wwfe a JI-LX-.); — only Qal Pt. pass. f. Bfeftto raw D'tsn ncny ipoa Ct 7 3 </ty 6ocZy a heap of wheat fenced about with lilies (cf. esp. Be Bu). Pilp. intens. lmpf.

fs. '^w JC'Jp Is 17" thou dost fence it carefully 

about ( >make it grow, as if jVE>=nj'E>, AE Ki Brd Bu). "71D (-/of foil.; perh. kindred with ID* (cf. no' Kiph.), v - Kb" 1 - 49 ; Ecclus 4 2 12 Hithp. TVi"?? (" lar o- T'ODn) converse, is perh. denom. ; Syr. )?i», »ocloo friendly, confidential speech, 6fula, }o&»( =6ptfiv; Sab. 11DD place of speaker, oracle, Hom ZMGlM < ,892, - 52!l , who finds con- nexion with x^JL lord, chief (and SL1 be lord), properly speaker; NH = BH).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters) n.[m.] council, counsel; — (Symbol missingHebrew characters) abs. Pr 1113+; cstr.Je611 + ;sf. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Je2322 Jb1919; HiO Am 3 7 Pr3 32 ; tnb Gn 49 6 ;— 1. council, in familiar conversation; — a. divan or circle of familiar friends, CIVIS 'D Je 6", D.'pnfe'D 'D 1 5 1 ' ; HID 'TO Jb 1 9 19 «?m of my intimate circle; ((Symbol missingHebrew characters)) (Symbol missingHebrew characters)Je2318.22 TO the intimate circle of (Symbol missingHebrew characters); HO* 11D3 Jb 15 8 ; in bad sense, D'jn.D 'D ^6 4 3 . b. assembly, company, D , "l^ 'D ^ 1 1 1 ' (|| rn$J) ; 'Oy ito Ez 13 9 ; D'BHp 'd f 89 s (of angels); in bad sense, N311D3Gn 4 9 6 (|| bnp). 2. counsel, taken by those in familiar conversation : a. counsel itself, "IID pK3 nUETID Pr 15 22 thoughts without counsel; of intimate friendship, ^55 15 1iD JNNDJ . i n bad sense, of crafty plotting 83 4 ISO Wj%., b. secret counsel, which may be revealed (rfa), Am 3 7 Pr ri 13 2 o 19 25 s . c. familiar converse with God, intimacy, (Symbol missingHebrew characters) ψ 2514 intimacy with (Symbol missingHebrew characters) have those who fear Am (j| (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), niD D'-iB"-riX Pr 3 32 M ^A <Ae upright is his intimacy; here also Jb 29 4 (si vera 1.) Bi Be al. ; Siegf Bu cf. Buhl LM r[D2 wlien Eloah sheltered my tent. T'H'iD n. pr. m. a Zebulunite Nu 13 10 (=*nHiD intimacy of Yah);—® 2ou8( ( )j.— Vid. also '"l^"]iD3 p. 126 supr. T)D (</of foil.; cf. Ph. n'lD curtain, veil] Bloch 46 Lzb 328 ). t[jTlD] n.[m.] vesture (N T H, but dub.; v. Levy s ');— sf. 3 ms. nhlD Gn 49 " (poem in J; Htebft T7TOQ n.[m.] veil;— abs. Vl&'bv 'D Ex 3 4 K cf! v 34 - 35 (P). MlD (-/of following; =nnD q.v.). tfirHD n.f. offal; — abs. in sim. 0^33 nix^n 3^3 nmD? 135 s5 . t ITID an © Xouxt, A ©L Sow. "httiD, ^D turned captives Ezr 2 M = © Sarfi, SouTfi, ©L 2ajrai. fl. [^|l"5 ^T y] vb. pour in anointing, anoint (NH Aram. ^D anoint); — Qal Pf. 2 fs. ropi consec. Eu 3 s ; 1 s. TOD Bn io 3 ; y y 2 Asherite 1 Ch 7**;

'BD^pa among re-
  • C)iD '33 Ne 7 67 ;