Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/735

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-ino fin., and ">p infr.); of loose woman N'n njp'n JTVtfDI Pr7"; as subst. — the stubborn, ijr 66" 68 7 "; fs. n-n'D *r$ vm Ne 9 29 and they pre- sented a stubborn shoulder (of Isr.) = Zc 7 11 T"1D adj. stubborn, resentful, sullen, implacable ;— *|jm np 1 K 20 43 21 4 ; f. nr.TD nip ^nr v 6 why then is thy spirit sullen 1 poss. also pi. cstr. D , ")")iD '"ID Je 6" 8 revolters (stubborn ones) among, etc. (v. supr. and 11D Qal ad fin.). tlDD Kt, Tnp Qrn.m. winter (loan-wd. fr. Aram.; cf. Syr. )6^, £ WJTD ; Ar. % Lane 15 * 1 ; prob. orig. "e>, cf. Schwally Ml0,M ; on 1 as old nominat. ending ('d for Sutayu) cf. Lag BS190A n m.^._- | 3y iron Q t 2 11_ tDJjD vb. stop up, shut up, keep olose (NH id.; S DHD id.; Syr. p^> (^U» very rare); Ar. IjJL, dose door Lane 1334 , and Jol> Kam Frey, are perh. loan-words); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'D 2 Ch 32 30 ; Zmp/. 2 mpl. ItD^iDn 2 K 3"; 3 mpl.icnp? v 25 , 1»rpD>l 2 Ch 32*; Imv. ms. Dhp Dn 8 26 12 4 ; Inf. cstr. DtaDb 2 Ch 32'; i 3 *. pass. Dirip Ez 28 3 , Dnp ^ 5 1 9 , pi. D'pnD Dn 12 9 ;— 1. stop up springs of water 2 K 3 1925 2 Ch 32 3 - 4 , cf. v 30 . 2. shut up, keep close, prophetic words Dn 8 M 12 49 ; Dnpa ^ 51 8 m (the) cZo«*i (chamber of the breast; ||ninp)._ OVip-^3 Ez 28 3 usu. no secret is too dark for thee, but doubtful (v. II. QOy); ® <T<><t>°<, Co D'BDIO <Toy D , t?3D, or Berthol. D'PPJJ. Mipb.. /»/. cs«r. Dnpn? Ne 4 1 the breaches [in the walls] had begun to be stopped up. Pi. Pf. 3 pi. sf. D1OTD Gn 26 16 ; Impf. 3 mpl. sf. BMHSJ1 v 18 , both of stopping wells o/wite wp (R JE ). |""1J"^D vb. hide, conoeal (NH id., der. species ; X TO? Pa. Ithpa., Syr. >*&» Pe. Pt. pass., chiefly Pa. Ithpa., id.; Ar. J!£l veil, conceal, hide. Lane 1304 ; Eth. Mrd: (rare) Di 364 ); —Nipt. -P/. 3 ms. "WW Pr 27"+ 2 2 3 Qr (Kt -iriEtt); 2 ms. rrinDJ 1 S 20"; 1 pi. ^nnw is 28 15 , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. TOfl Ho 13"+ ; 1 s. TTIBK Gn 4"+ ; 3 mpl. Wpjfl Am 9 3 ; 1 pi. "in?? Gn3i 49 , etc.; Imv. ms. iriBn Je 36 19 ; Inf. cstr. DB> iriDni) Jb34 re ; P<. "(BDJ >// 19 7 ; pi. D'Hnpj Dt 7 20 ;' fpl. H^J Dt 29 28 , ni- ^ 1 9 13 ;— 1. hide oneself, c. ? loc, 1 S 20 524 1 K 17 3 Je 23" so (fig.) Is 28' 5 '; c. CiV 1 S 20' 9 Jb 34 22 ; abs. Je 36 19 Pr 22 3 27 1S 28 s8 V 89 47 ; c. ^sp pers. Dt 7 20 Jb 13 20 , c. JP pers. 1//55 13 . 2. fee hid, con- cealed, esp. fig. of escaping God's notice, c. '?3P pers. Gn 4 14 (J), P.B?>P Je 16 17 , ^ "1J?P Am 9 3 , WB Is65 16 Ho 13 14 (subj. Drt, i.e. I will not repent, change my purpose of judgment), IP 1//38 10 Is 40 27 ; fr. heat of sun//i9 7 (i.e. it pene- trates everywhere); fr. birds Jb28 21 (of place of wisdom); recipr. Vijn.P tht 'DJ Gn 31 49 (J) when we are hidden each from the other (i.e. separated); abs. Nu 5 13 Jb3 a (whose way is hid sc. from himself), Zp 2 3 (i.e. escape '»'s judg- ment) ; pt. hidden, secret things, in gen. Dt 29^; of sins yfr 19 13 . Pi. Imv. fs. inp Is 1 6 3 carefully hide (i.e. slielter) the outcasts (Moab speaks to Zion). Pu. Pt. fs. nnjnDD nans* p r 2 7 5 Z<we care- fully concealed. Hithp. /mp/. 3 fs. iranon Is 29"; Pt. "itwpp 1 S 23 l9 + 3 t.; — hide oneself carefully, of David's taking refuge with (DV) Ziphites 1 S2 3 19 = V'54 2 (title), in (3) a hill 1 S 26 1 ; 'D 7H Is 45 15 a God that completely hides himself. Hipb.. Pf. 3 ms. l-ntpn ^, io" 2 2 2S ; 2 ms. nnnpn ^30" Is 64 s , etc.; Impf. 3 ms. "VPID! 1S20 1 , -iriD>i Ex 3 6 Jb3 w , sf. "nrip: V 27 s , D"l>jiD*l Je 36 26 ; 3 fs. sf. VTrnpro 2 Ch 22 11 ;

s. "iripKI Ez 39 23M , etc.; /ww. ms. "Wpn 1// 51"; 

/to/, abs. "Won Dt 3 1 18 Is 57 17 ; c*«r. "WO p r 2 5 2 (v. Kb 1313 and reff.; yet cf. inf. abs. $>3K v 27 ), inpb Is2 9 16 (Ges' 53 "); P«. "WPP Is 8 17 ;— conceal, hide: 1. a person from (P.BP) enemy

K u 3 = 2 Ch 22 11 ; subj.  c. IP ^ 64 s , abs. 

Je 36^; Aide anything from (IP) one 1 S 20 2 , a thing, in gen., Pr25 2 ; anything (fr. IP in || cl.) IS29 15 ; in gen. = slielter a person Jb 14 13 , c. 3 loc. (subj. *) +if 27 s 3 1 21 (all metaph.); toil (^pV), yjRJ Jb3 10 ; commands fr., IP pers. (subj. '*) ^ 1 19 19 ; hide one as arrow in quiver Is 49 s . 2. esp. hide the face : a. lit., of Moses Ex 3* (E), usu. fig. : b. subj. c. IP, i.e. be not observant of sin ^51", abs. iff 10"; more oft. C. ^ hides his face from (IP pers.), i.e. withdraws his favour, Mi 3 4 Is 8 1 ' 54 8 64 s Dt3i 17 32 20 Je33 5 EZ39 232429 +1? 22 2S 27 9 6 9 18 88 l5 i02 3 i43 7 ;abs.Dt3i 18 Jbi3 24 34 M f30 8 cf. 104 29 , 44 s5 ; 0")B om. IS57 17 ; cf - IS59 2 your sins have hidden (his) face from ()P) you ; of hiding one's face from (IP) shame, i.e. avoiding it Is 50 6 (of servant of ' , ).