Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/746

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my pipe (organon, made up of several reeds together); Njw*""- 1 " 7 Benz Areh ^ think of bag-pipe (=rT0301D Dn 3 51016 ), cf. also in We ♦♦Kn.Tr. as. >a str i n g e d instr. ©@ (Gn4 !1 ). nay v. aiv- $ (-/of foil.; cf.NH^yNiph.ierouwefed; Pi. roW a thing, etc.; Aram. Pa. ^^£ roll a thing, and deriv. ; X X ? ,3 S rolled cake, Xj ), ?5? shield, lyji!?!, Syr.^^Ji, hi swiftness, swiftly; Ar. J^£ Aasien, 6« sk«/*«, cf. Lag BNS1 '" 3 ). T723) n.m. El32,24 calf (as rolling or circling about? cf. 13 fr. ">1| ; NH *<*.; Ph. (Pu.) by id. Lzb 336 ; l^'jy Palm. td. Cook 89 ; Aram. Jl^:, IfcC^X, *b?V, *$%, «&,• As. [again], pi. a<ja/e prob. calves D1 HWB ,6 (cf. against this Jen Ko «»"- U0 , but v. also Jager 8 * 8 "- 2 - 286 ); Ar. J^c, id,; Eth. X"MV: XT-At;, cf. also Hom N8226 ); — 'y abs. Ex32 19 +; cstr. iS28 M + ; sf. ^ Ho 8 5 ; pi. D^g Ho 1 3 2 + ; cstr. ty$ iKi 2 a +; — calf, Is 1 1 6 Z7 10 in sim. of leaping mts. ^ 29"; in sim. of foot-sole of cherubim Ez i 7 ; P?"ip ']) i.e. a stall-iei (fatted) calf, 1 S 28 24 , in sim. Je 46 21 Mai f, cf. p3"]S tfam 'V Am 6 4 ; 1$ t6 'V Je3i 18 an untrained calf; D'oy ^SJ? V, 68 s1 calves of peoples, i.e. peoples like calves, so most ; perh. rd. 'VV "by2 Matthes Che Gunkel 80 " 01 "- 66 '- cf. Bae; calf as sacrif. victim Mi 6 6 Lv a 2 - s - 8 (P); cut in two, in ratifying covenant Je 34 1919 (cf. •Y?? Gn 15 9 ); elsewh. image of calf: made at Horeb, H3D9 'V Ex 32 48 Dt 9 16 Ne 9 18 ; 'y alone Ex 3 2 19i!oT24 - 35 Dt 9 21 V 106 19 ; two set up by Jerob. I in N. Isr., 1K12 2832 2 K io 29 17"

Ch n 16 13 8 , cf. Ho 8 5 - 6 Cn.bay, fraft 'V), i 3 2 ; 

also io 6 (v. 1. nbjy ad fin.). fi. Plbx: n.f. heifer;— abs. 'V Gni5» + ; cstr. f£$ 'isf + ; sf. "nty Jui4 18 ; pi. cstr. n'pjy Ho 10 s (but v. infr.);— heifer, Is? 21 , used in ploughing Ju i4 18 (fig.), threshing Je 50" (KKH 'y, in sim., v. ni, read perh. n£H), fig. of stateliness etc. Je 46 20 ; 'TJS^O 'J? Ho 10" a trained heifer(sim. of Ephr.); used for sacrif. iS 16 s (">5? ^??)> cu * ' n two for ratifying cove- nant Gn 1 5'(J ; Tvfy&O 'P- c f. ^y Je 3 4 ,81 ») ; in cleansing city from blood-guiltiness Dt 21 3 p|52 TJ), v 4 - 4 - 8 ; once of calves worshipped in N. Isr. Ho 10' (where read prob. ?}]>, so © We NowGASm, cf. Che, v. also the foil. sfs. rns.).


f n. r?73V wife of David (on sense Jmfer cf. n^', ^Ttl; v. also Gray ProI>N - 92 - No - 27 );— 2 S 3 5 (© AiynX, A Aiyat, ®L AyXa) = 1 Ch 3' (© AXa, A AyXa, ©L EyXa). tnbw;— T$?f 'V (the) <Atrd Eglath ISI5 6 (® Sd>uiXtr Tpi€Tr;r) J6 48 34 (® ayyf- X/ai/ 2aXatrf 1a), near Zoar and S. border of Moab. ibfy, h$ adj. round;— abs. ty 1K7 28 + 2 t., by io 19 2 Ch 4 2 ; fpl. n% 1 K 7 31 ;— round 1 K 7 31 - 31 (opp. rfoSTD), io 19 ; MD 'y round in circuit (perimeter) 7 23 = 2 Ch 4 s , 1 K 7 s5 . t nhXJ n.f. cart (from rolling of wheels ; NH td./Ph, (Pu.) rbiy (?) Lzb 336 ; Aram. Snbjy, )* y^ < ; Sem. loan-word in Egypt. agarBd Bondi 38 , 'a^oZi Ermaii* 6 "*' 491 ; cf. also Wilkinson Anc. Egypt. (1878), I. 223-2U, e»p. 235, al»o 249 /i]l ugTjr- Vehicles drawn by cattle, cf. 1 S 6 7 Nu 7 3 )); — abs. 'y 1 S 6 7 + , sf. ty Is 28 s8 ; pi. nfog Gn 4 5 19 + ; cstr. rOJJ? Nu 7 3 ; — cart, used for transporting persons'and things Gn 4 5 ,9 - 212r 46 s (E), 1 S 6 7.7. 8 .io.n.u.u 2 g 6 3.3_ x Ch I3 7.7. Nu ? 3 (ax 'V covered carts), v 36 - 78 (P); in sim. Am 2 13 , riiaj; 'yn Is5 18 cart-rope, 'V JBIN 28 s7 of (threshing-) wagon{cf.T>r jLm -»-™),'vbibZv™id.;—y=war- chariots only ^46'° (Du transport-wagons). t b'Uy n. [m.] hoop, ring ; — abs. 'y Nu 3 1 M prob. ear-ring ( + ^9, etc.); pi. "^ O'hs •^VVA Ezi6 12 ( + ^SS"^y D» nose-ring). ybw ■ (cf. Gray Pr< " > • N ■ 92 • , ' ■ ^7 );— tl. m. a king of Moab, J u3 12141 ' 1717 , © EyX^.^ 2. loc. Jos io 3 - 5 - 23 - 37 1 2 12 15 34 , c. n loc. io 34 , na^yo V 36 ; © OfioXXa^ Jos IO; AiXafi I2 12 , A EyXa)/j, ©L EyXajx, and so 15 39 ; site 'Agl&n, N. of Tel- el-Hesy, Buhl Geogr 192 . D , ; t 3;)jrEz47 io in'yryq.v. tVayC n.m. +6512 1. entrenchment; 2. track; — abs.'o 1 S 26 s + , c. n loc. npayen 17 50 ; cstr. bi])D Pr 5 s6 + ; pi. cstr. bayp ^, 23 s Pr 4"; sf. T^J» V' 65 12 , elsewh. Ttf$?¥P 17*. ^%P Prs 21 , ™n-2 12 5 6 , Dn- 2 15 IsS9 8 ;— 1. circum- vallation, entrenchment 1S17 20 26 s ' 7 . 2. <rocA (prop, wagon-track), only fig.: a. in fig. of snares of wicked yjf 1 40 6 . h. = course of action, or life, 1^1 '» Pr 4 26 , '» 5 21 (|| ^W>ST^; specif, good, right, piX 'D ^ 23 s , IB* '» Pr4", 3iD 'O 2 9 , p^? 'O Is 26 7 ; bad sense Pr 2" 18 5"