Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/805

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haxy 781 †[ay] n.f. hurt, injury, pain;—nëxy | BN 1881.); Eth. 00: tree, wood; As. iş(s)u; Ph. ry Pr 100⁰ he that winketh with the eye canseth hurt (stirs up strife, etc.); catr. xy pain wood; NH = BH; Aram. V (init. N by dissim.); Ba B12 0.1 thinks originally bilit.). GD 2,9 Ndix 2b); AT of heart 15 (opp. 5); pl. sf. hxy Jb 928 my pains, so rd. perh. also 7¹5 (for MT niny); y V Dniaxy 16 (due to idolatry; > idols TB We al.); v and 147³ binding up their hurts. tagy n. [m.] pain, toil;-'y abs. Gn 3 toil; catr. ixy 5 (both of agriculture); sf. y 3¹ (of travail; all J). n.f. place of pain (>simply pain);—pazyn 'n> 18 50¹¹ in (constr. praegn.) a place of pain shall ye lie down. Lex +II. [ay] vb. Pi. shape, fashion (NH † Pi. stretch child into shape; Buhl cp. cut, cut off [whence idea of carving, fashion- ing]) ;-Pi. Pf. "YN HOXY TT, Jb 108 thy hands shaped me, etc. Hiph. Inf. cstr. xy Je 44", but rd. 2-, to fashion her, i.e. make images of her (poss. denom. from yy). † 11. axy n.m. vessel (as fashioned);-'y | e vessel despised, etc. (fig. of Jehoiachin). 28 Coniah 18 16 †11. [¤¥Ý] n.m. idol ;—sf. "AXY Is 48º. †[axy] n. [m.] idol;-always pl. D'axy (Ges): Ho4¹7 8º(JA!! NDP), 13ª (903, || 1260), | 14' Ze 13³ 2 Ch 24¹8 (+DN); catr. 106 0 135 (271); f. May Is 10¹¹ (|| 7'), Je 50² (7), Mi 17; Day 1 S31-1 Ch 10', 2 S 52¹ (but read Dan as | 1 Ch 14¹2, 80 We Dr al.), Is 46¹ 106⁹ 115¹ (JN ND?). TV (of foll.; cf. Ar. á lop trees with a , a kind of reaping-hook; Eth. 08.,:, 02.L: reap, 200L:, 200L: sickle; NH Typ axe (smaller than Levy NEWB 11. 423). a TT: 12 †Tyyn 44¹ tyyn n. [m.] axe;-Je 10³; in Is 44" prob. del. (so Du Che pt Skinner). S † I. [NXY] vb. shut (Ar. (, et 5) Läs iv. TT 30 shut eyes; Eth. 020: shut door);-Qal Pt. act. ' Pr 160⁰ he that shuts his eyes (SS cp. Dy [I8 29"], which Gr reads). II. NY (√of foll.; meaning dub.; cf. Sab. Dyy wood DHMZMG xxxvll (1883),341,412, Ar., orig. anom. unit. of Las large, thorny trees (v. Lane; also No GGA 1882, 844: ZMG xxxl (1878), 40 Lag yyn.m. 829 16 - tree, trees, wood;-'y abs. Gn 3³ +, cstr. 3² +, Y 2¹+; sf. TY Dt 28¹2, etc.; pl. Dyy Ju 9³+, catr. ' Is 72+, sf. TYY Dt 29, y La 5¹, etc.;-1. (c. 150 t.) a. a standing tree Gn 1848 (J) +, Ex 15" (J; of shrub), Je 17¹8 1³ (sim.); to be felled Dt 19 2 K 6; Dyyn (appar. incl. vine and bram- ble) in allegory Ju 9³ + 6 t. Ju 9; Dry +Gn 23 (J), cf. n'y, fig. of source of (life and) happiness +Pr 38 11³⁰ 13¹² 15ª; V?) Jid nyan y Gn 2⁰¹6 (J); ¹²(¹) ¹YY Is 7³ (sim.), 44¹ Ez 15³+; my Is 55¹ Ez 1724 (fig.), +; 1 2 Ch 27; Dy+Ez 31¹; +104"; YY ' ¹XY Ez 319.16.18.18: pixy Ct4"; of vine ry + 1526 ryba non place of illicit worship + Dt 122 Je 220 36.13 1 K 14³³ 2 K 16¹ 171⁰ Ez 6¹ 18 575 2 Ch 284, cf. Je 17³; 18 30 12 T AT: 23 10 16 ny rya Ez 20%. b. coll. trees, TY Gn 2¹6 3¹-2.8 (all J); usu. later, ʼy 1 ¹².2⁹. (P), +; '?? 1'! fruit-bearing trees Gn 1" (P), 148, cf. Ec 2³, Ex 10¹ (J), Ez 36³⁰ Lv 23¹ (H), cf. Jo 2*; SONDY Dt 20⁰ Lv 19 (H), Ez 47¹ Ne 9%; nry Hg 2¹ olive trees, Ne8", 40 22. 28 19. in 23 22.24 I8 41¹; 74³ thicket of trees; Ex 9% (J), +; ¹² y +Ez 15°, cf. Is 10" 44²³; PY ¹? Is 65" (sim. of great age). c. pl. of trees felled for building, 1 K 520.3² (+ D'IIN); DIN XY 2 S 5"=1 Ch 14¹+7 t.; Dợng xy 1K59¹; () DV. p. 38 supr. 2. (c. 175 t.; c. 120 t. pl., to denote pieces [or articles] of wood) a. wood, as material; for building, 2 K 12¹³ ( + D IN), 226=2 Ch 34" (both+id.), N€ 2°+; ID ¹XY 1 K 6³1.33 cf. v; y Gn 6¹ (Noah's ark), D'UN 'y Ex 255.16+20 t. Ex (uof tabern.and its furniture; all P) Dt 1o³; rya Ne 8'; ry niin Je 28¹8 (in fig.; opp. a); r article of wood Lv 11 15¹2 Nu 31%, cf. 35¹8 (all P). Hence b. Dyy articles of wood Ex7" (P; D), 1 Ch 29²; 80 D XY 2 S65 (but v. ad fin.); specif. V=helve of axe Dt 195; (i) yy 1 S 177 Qr (Kt y)=1 Ch 20³, 2 S 21" 23¹; y S6 (i.e. wood of which cart was made), Ny Ju 6; esp. timbers of a house Zc 54 Ez 26¹2; y of pole on which bodies of slain Hb 2¹¹ Lv 14, of a city 1 K 15 =2 Ch 165, (criminals and others) were exposed (perhaps orig. tree) Gn 40" (E), Jos 820. ro26.26.37 (all JE), 18 TTE: T 7* v.