Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/822

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Nu7 M . e n.pL+100+20 i Ch is' 6 ; — cf. further nKD. II. as ordinal : 1. 20 alone, '5/ nSC'S in the twentieth year 1 K 15' + 4 t.; n. om. Nu io" + 3 t. 2. a. 20 + unit + ns. Ez 2Q 17 4° 1 - b. ns. + 20 + unit Hgi 15 2Ch7 10 + ; 11s. + unit +20 Exi2 8 ; D?E'3+ 20 + unit iK i6 10 , etc.— Vid. reff. sub ~fV- vvtoy m., rp-vtTy, and n^toy f. . . - : 20 t • • -:' • • -: 8 adj. num. ord. tenth ;— 1. Tftj "fa Dt 2 3 34 ; 'yn Di>3 Nu v M (P); T"J &ftQ Gn8 5 (P) Ez 24 1 + 5t.; '"few? ^hi" 13 Je39'; 'n om. ^^n Gn 8 5 (P), Pb'ja Ez 29 1 33 21 ; other nouns om. T^K? iChi2 ls 25 17 27 13 , PV??? 24 11 ; npfc'jn n#s Ez 29 1 , JTH^n '#3 J e 32 1 . 2. as subst. a ««KA part: f.'abs. np&j Is 6"; f. cstr. WT^ rqpgn Nu 28 s , nn'^j) Ex 16 36 , nn^j; Lv 5 11 6 13 Nu 5 16 ; *>»nn txjty% EZ45 11 ; m. abs. ^Hf^n Lv 27 s2 the tithe (i.e. of cattle, etc.).

(Symbol missingHebrew characters)33 n.m. Lv 14,10 tenth part (of ephah ; cf. (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingGreek characters) Nu:15:4, and (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 28:5; i. e. = (Symbol missingHebrew characters), v. further BenzArch. 182 NowArch. i.,203);— abs. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Lv:14:21 + (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Ex:29:40 Nu:28:13; pl. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Nu:28:9 + ;— only P (H), as measure of (Symbol missingHebrew characters) used in meal-offering Ex:29:40 Lv:14:10 + 3 t. Lv (H only 23:17); Nu:15:4+ 26 t. Nu, incl. distributive (Symbol missingHebrew characters) 28:13 + 4 t.

tltogQ n.m. NuW28 tenth part, tithe;— abs. 'D Nu i8 26 4- ; cstr. "tofQ Lv 27 30 + , "&& Neio 39 (^Bn); sf.nbyp Lv27 31 ; pi. abs. niifcTJD Ne 12 44 ; sf. D?'Thk'VP Am 4 4 + 3 t.;— . tenth part of homer Ez 45", of bath v". . tithe, payment of tenth part : c. |D rei Gn 14 20 Nu 18 26 ; usu. cstr. bef.n.rei Dt 12 17 14 2328 26 12 Lv 27 3032 2 Ch 31 666 Ne io 3839 13 612 ; abs. Nui8 ji.m.m Mal3 810 2Ch3i 12 Neio" 12 44 ; tW TUtf Dt26 12 «A« year 0/ the tithe (i.e. of tithing); c. genit. pers. paying tithe Am.4 4 Dt 12 611 Lv 27 31 Nu I8 3458 .— Cf. RS 8em - , ' 228tti2n, " d - as «. ; Proph. Lect. ii. n. Now Arch ' L m ' "" w * Benz Arcb ' sw.ieor. Tj r Dt.i68ff. I. VJV Jb 9 9 prob. error for &y, v. Bty. II. UJy v. w». T tmCJJ? in Asher 1 Ch •j 33 , hatiB, Aaovad. jt£^ (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. | 7 r Ic ascend, Lag BB " (plausibly); v. ^lic, ,^1^ smoke; also Syr. )JJL" (No* 116 ), )JJL, from V fc^ ace. to Hoffm LOB 1882 ' SS0 ; vb. denom. in Ar. NH). fi. ijttfrn.m. Exl9 > 18 smoke;— abs. 'j> Ju 20 38 + , cstr. JB'S Jos 8 20 - 21 , JB$ Ex 19 18 ; sf. "S^ Ex 19 18 , r'JB'Jj Is 34 10 ; — 1. a. of burning city Jos 8 2021 Ju 20 s8 - 40 , cf. Na 2 14 ; heralding a foe Is 14 31 . b. in fig. of destruction of Isr. Is 9 17 , Edom 34 10 . C. sim. of dust-cloud Ct 3"; of transitoriness Ho 1 3 3 Is 51 6 ifr 37 20 (rdg. 'V3, as (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingsymbol characters)), 68:3 102:4; sim. of the unpleasant, Pr io 26 . d. breath of crocodile Jb4i 12 . 2. a. attending theoph., 'V fB^ Gn 15 17 ; of mt. Ex 19 18 , cf. sim. i?'33ri 'V3 v 18 ; Is 6 4 , also 4 5 Jo 3 s . b. of God's anger, iSN3 '5? 2 S 22"=^ 18 9 ; so prob. also Is 65 s . t]C?y vb. denom. smoke, be wroth; — Qal 1. a. smoke, Pf. 3 ms. 'y of mt. Ex 19 18 , so Imp/. 3 mpl. «££ (at touch of '») f 104 32 144'. b. fig., 3 ms.'"'"'!?? WVl, c. 3 against, Dt 29 19 iff 74 1 . Hence 2. subj. pers., fume, i.e. be wroth, Pf. 2 ms. '3 PUf^ ^ 80 6 . t]tt>y adj. smoking;— 'j> of mt. Ex 20 18 (Gi v 15 ); pi. DWjn DpIKil Is 7 4 «/se smoking firebrands (dying out ; in fig.). fn. ffifaj in Shephelah of Judah Jos 15 42 , in Simeon ace. to 19 7 1 Ch 4 32 , Levit. city 6 U ; Atrav, etc.; =]f$ "fa, q.v. p. 92 supr. t pt£^ vb. oppress, wrong, extort (£ pE>y=BH, so OAram. ptPJl; Syr. .olx accuse, slander; As. adj. esku, strong ; Ar. j^—c rough- ness, injustice); — Qal Pf. 'y LV5 21 Ezi8 18 ; 2 ms. sf. ^RpB'J? 1 S 1 2 4 , etc. ; Impf. 3 ms. sf.

  • V$T- V'119 12 ' 2 ; 2 ms. P^il!? Lvi9 13 + , etc.;

/re/ cstr. pty. Ho 1 2 8 , sf. DP t B*V 1 Ch 1 6 21 ^105"; Pt.act. pt?V Pr i4 3, + , fpl.'nipfVn Am 4', etc.; pass. ptt?y Dt 28 29 + , etc.; — 1. oppress, wrong (oft. by extortion, || b»), c. ace. pers. 1 S 1 2 3 - 4 Mi 2 2 LV5 21 19 13 ; esp. the poor and helpless Am 4 1 Dt 24" Je f Ez 22 s9 Zc 7 10 Pr 14" 22 18 2 8 3 Ec4'; also c. ace. cogn. % bllQ) pfV 'V Ez 18' 8 practise extortion, 22 s , take by extortion Lv s 23 and (c. ace. rei) Mai 3 s ; abs. Ho 1 2 s practise extortion; Jb io 3 deal tyrannically (of God); pt. oppressor, extortioner Je2i 12 ^72 4 Ec 4 1 ; pt. pass, as subst. the oppressed ty 103 6 146 7 . 2. oppress a nation Is 52 4 , cf.i/c 105" = 1 Ch 16 21 , yff 1 19 122 , pt. act. oppressor m , pt, pass, oppressed Je 50 33 , in predict, pfljl 'V Dt 2 S 29 , J^rjl 'V v 33 Ho 5". 3. dub. are : in? pt?£ Jb 40 23 a rt«er oppresses him, i.e. rushes violently upon him (sc. the hippopot.; Du P'B*. fr. ?W; >GunkBu VP&] falls, sinks); tff) D"!3 pB*y