Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/871

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PIS (id.) ; fig. of deep distress f 88 7 (|| rrtWin 113) ; "UO '» Zc 10" (i.e. of Nile) ; sg. = the deep sea, deep, ^107-* J0112* Jb4i 53 (inhyperb. descript. of crocodile); depth of marsh, swamp, 'O il , 3 yjf 69' t» mir« 0/ (</(«) depth, fig. of distress (|| DTHJOJjD), cf. 'D alone v 16 (|p$3). ti"D20 n.f. dub. word : Zc i 8 the myrtles t  : which are'BS, appar.some locality about Jerus., called the basin, hollow; GASm glen ox valley- bottom; poss. is n?>xe, < n?XO, shadow (in. 77X). t[WS] vb. abstain from food, fast (NH id.; Ar. ( r ^.) JIU, Eth. Aram. BW, y.^);— Qal Pf. 2 ms. riDJt 2 S 1 2 21 ; 2 mpl. anox Zc 7 5 , sf. "?ril?S v 5 ; Impf. 3 ms. DXM 2 S 12' 16 , DiXJI

K 2Y 27 ; 1 s. D«K Est 4' 6 , etc.; Imv. mpl. WW 

v 16 ; Inf. abs. Dix Zc f; Pt. DX 2 S 1 2 s3 Ne i 4 ;— /a«<, in mourning the dead 1 S3i 13 = 1 Ch io 12 ,

Si 12 ; in worship (contrition, intercession, 

etc.) Ju 20 26 1 S 7 6 2 S 12 16 (c. ace. cogn. dW ; || Pi??), v 23 and ( + H33), v 2122 (q. v. for explana- tion), Jei4 12 Zc 7 5 ( + niE5D), wdx. Dixn v 5 (Ges ' 117, ) was it at all unto me [] that ye fasted 1 °? ^nKJ Ne i 4 (periphr. conj.; + ^3"!?), cf. Ezr S 23 ( + B'i53), Est 4 16 (c. 7JJ pers. for whom), v 16 , Is 58' (|| Wj^J Wf?), v 4 (c. 7 rei), v 4 ; once in disappointment and vexation 1 K 21 27 . tote n.m. fasting, fast ; — 'X abs. 2 S i2 ,6 + , cstr. Zc8 ,9 ( 4 t.); sf. D3DX Is 5 8 3 ; pi. niDiX Est 9 31 ; — /as<, as ace. cogn. aSi2 16 ; public observance 1 K 2 1 912 2 Ch 20 3 Ezr 8' 21 Je 36' Jon 3 s (all obj. of TJiJ proclaim), cf. Jo i 14 2 15 (both obj. of n?15); Div Di' Je 3 6 6 , D3»X tJ* Is58 3 , cf.v 5 (|| i»SJ D-1N niay Di'), v 56 ; of periodic fasts Zc 8 ,9191919 Est9 sl ; act or state of fasting, B'jjfea* 'S3 1SDW Ne 9 1 cf. Jo 2 12 Dn 9 s Est 4 3 ;

  • &B3 "S3 W3? Vr'35" cf. 69 11 (on H33NJ v. Che

Bae); causing physical weakness 109 24 . y)i (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. cL» form, fashion). t C 1 > "V- n. m. pi. things formed, images ; 'if HB'JJD 2 Ch 3 10 image work (of cherubim). tL 8 !^] vb- flow, overflow, [float] (NH id. j- so Aram. TO, a,} ; — Ar. i_j^l> skin-raft is loan-wd. Fra 220 ) ;— Qal P/. 3 pl.^V^ DWSX La 3 s4 (fig.). Hiph. 1. Pf. cause to flow over, Dn^B-75? TD-D: »DT1K e]7il Dt 1 1 4 . 2. cazts< to/oai : Impf. 3 ms. tTBPI 1??. 2 K6'. f 1. F|12? n.m. (honey-)oomb (as exuding honey);— only fig.: cstr.B*?^^ Pn6 24 ;"3 D^OW ^ 19" (4-B*3' : j), © KTipiov, Kijpia, 2> favus. fii. tfi'X n.m. Ephr. ancestor of Elkanah and Samuel, '3T|3 1 S 1 ' («V Na<™</3, ©L uioO 2a></>), 1 Ch 6 20 Qr © SB (Kt tpv) ; appar. = 1« v 11 (Levite), 2ou<£(«) : hence prob. *1W H? ' S 9* (in Benj., r^» (y^) 2(<)i<£(a)). t^SIS adj. gent. Suphite; — so read prob. for D^BiX 1 Si 1 (WeKloDr and most mod., after © 2(e)«£a, A 2a>0 V ). t[HD2] n.f. out-flow;— sf. inw? Ez 32' <Ame outflow (flowing blood), Co Bthl Toy Krae. IgfesOX. W CSiS v. V*. tl. [Y^, PX] vb. 1. blossom. 2. shine, sparkle (perh. orig. meaning of v , but connex. of 1, 2. dub.) (NH id. Hiph., fig. senses, P* n.=BH);— Qal Pf. 1. 3 ms. nBBn )»X Ez 7 10 (fig.; || !"jn m_B); /mp/ 3 ms. fj> * 9 o 6 (of grass, " |, ? l 7) j 103 15 (man under fig. of flower), fig. 'tr rnw px; Is 27°; 3 mpl. 1ST, ,/, 72 16 , «7»1 92 s (]| rriB ; both fig. of men=)flourish. 2. shine, gleam: of crown ("WJ) 1^ 132 18 . Hiph. /mp/. 3 ms. T x flKS Nu 17 23 it put forth blossoms (of rod ; — perhaps from || niS NX 5 !). ft Y^n.m. 1828 ' 1 1. blossom, flower. 2. shining thing; — 'v abs. Is 42' + , cstr. v*+; pi. D^X 1 K 6 1S + 3 t. 6 (on foim v. Kb" 1 - 60 );— 1. blossom, flower, Nu 1 7 23 (P; of Aaron's rod); (fig. of man Is 40 78 (both 'X i>33 ; p"Sn), cf. sim. n !?>? r s v 6 (|| t'i.),V'io3 15 , and'Xalone Jbi4 2 ; 733 'X Is 28 1 (fig. of Samaria), so prob. also v 4 (for MT '3 nX'X; so Marti); D"XX "JBI, as ornaments of temple 1 K 6 18 - 29 - 32 - 35 . 2. shining thing, plate of gold, constituting the diadem on front of high priest's mitre, Lv8 9 ExaS^g 30 (all P).— 11, in. T*. v. p. 851 infr. PSr? Is 28 4 , v. 1. T* supr. til. [HX] vb. Hiph. gaze, peep (NH Hiph. gaze (rare); Aram. )"X gaze); — Pt. D'sinn-fp pro ct 2' (v.'n, p. 355). tl. [p^l vb. Hiph. oonstrain, bring into straits, press upon (NH P'X be distressed (rare), Hiph.=BH; Ar. ,jL2 (<j) be narrow, tigM, so Eth. i*<P: ; Aram. PJ, jxi ; ChrPal. >oo.);— Pf 3 fs- n ? s n Ju 16 16 , sf. wr^xn I4 " (

  • ?- Jb 32 18 (Gi v 19 ); 1 s. 'Tlijrxn! consec. Is 29 s ;

Impf. 3 ms. PT, Dt 28"+ 2 t.; 3 mpl. *PWJ Je i 9 »; P<. P'XD Is5i 13 - 13 , pi. n^XD 2^;— bring into straits, by importunity c. 7 pers. Ju 16 16 , c. sf. pers. 14 17 ; constrain (to speak) Jb 32 18