Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/899

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A n^np

mp also EX32 1 (J; most, unto Aaron). 2. for religious purpose : to erect tent of meeting, ace. loc. Jos 18 1 (P); hear word of ' c. ?K loc. Lv 8 4 (P), 3 loc. + bx pers. Je 26'; for festival, b« pers. 1 K 8== 2 Ch 5*; b loc. 2 Ch 20 : Hiph. Pf. 2 ms. )?|>npn Ez 3 8' 3 , j^npni Nu 8 9 ; 3 mpl. ■&**$$ i ia ;'lmpf 3 ms. TH& jb 11 10 ; ^KWiK8 l =^nK2Ch5 2 ;bnip>iEx 3 5 1 +(Qal Impf. in t ace. to Ba NB "• ul ) ; pi. &$$ Nu 20 10 ; 7m». ms. ?npn Lv8 3 +, etc.; /n/ cstr. ^npn Nu 10'; — summon an assembly: 1. a. for judgment Jb n 10 . b. for war 1 K i2 21 = 2 Ch II 1 , EZ38 13 . 2. for religious purposes : c. ace. bni3n-nK Nu io 7 , + b* loc. 20 10 , c. ace. nnyn(-b) Ex 35 1 Nu 1 18 8 9 20 8 (P), + bx loc. Lv 8 3 Nu 1 6 l9 (P); c. ace. DVn Dt 4 i0 31"; 3r*W^| 1CI113 5 15 3 ; elders of tribes Dt 31 28 , of Isr. 1 K 8 1 = 2 Ch 5 2 ; princes of Isr. 1 Ch 28 1 . Triv'np n.f. assembly, congregation; — abs. 'p Ne 5"; cstr. njnp Dt 33 4 (poem). tn^nj?, (tiT^Trip Eci2 8 ) n.m. Eo1 ' 2 col- lector (of sentences), or (AV RV) preacher (concionator Jer. : tieicXr/a-iao-T^s © (member of an <7nXi)<ria); fern, either of office, Ges 1122r De Now Che, cf. rqsb Ezr 2 5i ; LLdi, Khalif; Germ. Majestat, Excellenz; or as in Ar. with intensive force, one realizing the idea in its com- pleteness (cf. icL»j£. great collector, jhilj deep investigator (formed like (Symbol missingHebrew characters)), WAG 1. § 233 R. c v. Dr Intr. 466; RVm great orator): hence either convener, or great collector (of sentences), cf. nteDK "65a Ec 12 11 , pan "nan Kxoi> 'p e»p3 v 10 (but kb kta, ' ,:!8 Dr ,c - al. speaker in assembly, Plumptre debater)); — 'p a king in Jerus., son of David, prob. = Sol., the pseudonym of book of Ec.rEci'ytappos.or^.calledDarmVf.v 10 ; 'p 1CX i 2 , 'pn 1CN 1 2 s + 7 s7 for MT 'p niDN. t rXTOnp (assembly) station of Isr. in wilderness Nu 33 &23 (P); © MancWaS. f [TTTp'r] n.[m.] assembly, for worship, pi.: poss.' choirs, B^fflJO ^ 26 12 , H&QgG 68 w . TnT'r'pw loc. (place of assembly); — station of Isr.inExod.Nu33 2i - 26 (P);©Ma^Xo)5. PHP Kaad: son of Levi Gn46 u t ': 30 Ex 6 16 Nu 3 17 1 Ch 5 s7 6' 23", cf. Ex 6 18 Nu 2 6 M and TI? Nui6' 1 Ch 6 s3 ; 'P 'P.? Ex 6 ,8 + 4t.Ch; as a division of Levites Nu3 l929 + gt.; ninEB>n 'p '2 Jos 2I 2 "- 26 1 Ch 6 M , V 'a? nriSB-D v".— Van d. H. has nnp : Nu 3"+ 7 t. t^finp adj. gent, of foreg., c. art. 'pn as subst. coll.: 'pn (ni-) nriBBto Nu 26 s7 + 8 t,; 'pn »j$ Nu 4 s4 1 Ch 6 18 2 Ch 29' 2 ; pi. D'nripn Nu 10 21 and 'pn '33 2 Ch 20" 34 12 .— Van d. H. has (D)™^ Nu 3 s7 io 21 + 6 t. I. ip only in 1pJ> ip Is 2 8 1010 ' 313 , mimicry of Isaiah's words, perh. senseless, v. 1? p. 846. II. ip v. I. mp. Tyiipn.[m.] helmet (wordofpeculiarform, and dub. V; prob. foreign word ; cf. Eth. 'f'flO: turban, tiara, cowl, so Syr. j^Isui ; % NJQIp turban);— abs. 'p Ez 2 3 24 ; cstr. T&m jnip 1 S 17 13 .— Cf. als y3i3. Nip only in Wpp v. 11. flipD sub II. nip. t Dip, or Nip Kue in Cilicia (cf.KAT 2237 ); nipt? from Kue, for MT nipo 1 K io^and ||»PI? '2 Ch i 1616 ; soWkl A,t,e "- *»«"■ 173 Gr Benz Kit, cf. © « QtKout (also U Kw Field Hm """- 616 ), 33 de Coa, Ka>8 Lag " -- 273 , Jer Coa JJ ibid. Ill tl. [Hip] vb. wait for (prob. orig. twist, stretch, then of tension of enduring, waiting : As. ku'il 11, 1. wait, ki2, cord; Ar. <j,j> be strong, iji strength, also strand of rope ; Syr. woo endure, remain, await, juao threads, so 3! IMi? spider's threads, web); — Qal Pt. pi. <Aos«  waiting for (י׳): cstr.י׳ Template:Hebrew missin ψ 379; so Is 4031 van d. H., and Kt Baer Gi (Qr «&); sf. $5 49 s3 , T?.P * 25 3 6 9 7 ; Wp La 3 s5 Qr (Kt tip, i.e. iVp). Pi. Pf. 3 fs. nrrtp yj, 130 5 ; 1 s. Wp Gn 49 ,8 + 5 t., WP. Is 5 4 , 'PI consec. 8 17 ; sf. 1W.P ^ 25 21 ; 3 pi. V P + 56 7 + , etc. ; /m/./ Wj^ Mi 5 « Jb 7 2 , juss. 1p^ Jb 3 9 , lp": Is 5 2 ' 7 , etc. ; /«»». ms. nip Hoi2 7 + ; 7n/.a6s. ^p^ 4 o 2 , Wp J e 8 ls 14" 1 ;— 1. waii, or look eagerly, for, c. ? rei Is 5" 59 911 Je8 1 ^I3 16 I4 19 Jb3 9 6 ,!, ; iny^ Gn4 9 18 ; c.acc. rei La 2 16 (sf.), Jb 7 2 30 26 ^ 39 s ; obj. rei om. Is64 2 ; sq. inf. Is 5 2 - 4 f 69"; abs. Jbi7 13 ; c.acc. י׳ Is268 (sf.), ψ 253.21 (sf.), 402 ( + inf. abs.), 130 5 , ace. om. v 5 , ace. ICB* 1^52" (but rd. prob. njnx, Hi Che Bae al., v. III. mn); c. b of "» Is'8 17 ' 25 99 33 s 60 9 (but rd. prob. «i?: D'»>; ships s/(aZZsra</t€r(,soDuChe H, "Di-Kit Marti, cf. Skinner (also Luzz Gei Oort), Je 14 22 Pr2o K ; c.D^VbK Ho^ 7 ," 1 '^ Is 51 5 ^ 2 7 1414 37 34 . 2. He in wait for, sq. ^S3 j, §6 7 ; sq. b pers. ^ 1 1 9 95 ( + inf. purpose). 3. wait (linger) for c. b of man Mi 5 s (|| ?rvj).