Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/963

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33-, 939

JB>K"y ^ 66 12 over our Jieads. 2. ca«s« to 

draw (plough, etc.) Ho io", obj. Ephr. under fig. of heifer. 3. fig. (Tlffarbs) Tft a ?"! n 2 K 13 1616 cause hand to ride upon (grasp) bow. < 2D"I n.m. 2K13 7 [even Na 2 5 , where read V * Ho L BQWP (for |H-) We Now Albr ZAW "' <I896) ' "J chariotry, chariot, mill-stone ; appar. also riders (cf. Lag BN151 );— abs. *1 Gn5o' + ,3?;} 2 S8 4 + ; cstr. 33n Exi 4 9 +; sf.'MI Ju 4 7 +" 133-) 2 K5 9 + ,fl331 Na2 14 ; pi. cstr.'inCti*;— Ho io 13 v. infr.; — 1. ]0 , coll. chariotry, chariots [sts. of specific no. 2 K 1 3 7 2 S 8 4 Ex 1 4' etc. ; often + D , BnS, (tr)MD], esp. war-chariots : in Egypt Exi4 7 (J), Jos 24 s (E) + ; early Canaan Jos 1 1 4 Ju 4 713 5 s8 (not sg.; || Vrn3|-)0) + , called ?H1 '*> (i.e. iron-bound, or studded, cf. GF1I Jul. 19 T" and reff.), t Jos^ 16 ' 8 Jui 19 4 313 t; Philist., ace. to 1 S 13 5 2 S i 6 ; Aram 8 4 io 18 + ; Judah and Israel (from David's time, cf. 8 4 ) 1 K 9 19 - K 1 o 26 + , read also 133-13 Ho 1 o 13 (for 1?"na) ©* We Now GASm ; A jsy'ria 2 K 1 o^rrls 37**, Na 2 4 ° 14 (to be burnt ; made mainly of wood) ; Babyl. Je 47 s (on title v 1 , see Gf Gie), 50 37 51 s1 Ez 23" + , etc.; for dignity and display 1 K i 5 2K 5 9 Je 17 25 2 2 4 Is 66 20 , cf. Gn5o 9 (J), (cf. also

K9 1922 10 s6 , etc.); fig. of Elijah, VBTJM ^ff[ 1 
K 2 12 , of Elisha 13 14 ; V$ 33T 2 K 2" chariotry 

of fire (at Elijah's translation); ->K "1 •u>68 18 chariots of El, i.e. his heavenly host, cf. vision 2 K 6 17 , and also 7"; *l meton. for chariot-Aorses 2 S 8 4 = 1 Ch 1 8 4 . 1 2 . of single chariot 1 K 22 3538 2K 9 Jl;!124 io 1,i 2Ch35 24 ,prob.alsoExi4 8 ; pi. njTlQ ^ST Ct i 9 . +3. upper millstone (as riding on the lower) Dt 24 s Ju 9 s3 2 S 1 i 2 '. 4. appar. = riders (coll.), troop (of riders): '0B> D^DID 331 2 K 7 14 two riders of horses, horsemen (or two cliariots drawn by horsesl); in foil, text dub.: boi '■> "lion '"> D'Bha 10V 1 1s 2 1 7 riders, viz. a pair of horsemen, ass-riders, camel-riders ; cf. O^-JS ICY e»N '"l v 9 i.e. men riding, a pair of horsemen; D'CHB D1X *Xf 2 2 6 with riders (consisting of) men, horsemen, but use of D"1K very improb.; attractive is with chariotry of (drawn by) steeds ('h as gloss) DuChe Hpt Di- Kit but 'B hardly steeds here (cf. 'a horsemen, v 7 ); read perhaps simply 'B1 '13. tn33"! n.f. act of riding;— '"£ EZ27 20 . T33"1 n.m. 1. charioteer, 1331 1 K 22 34 = 33Tn 2 T Ch 1 8 s3 . 2. horseman, 331 2 K 9 17 ( = D1D(n)

')■ t[3tt^] n.[m.] chariot (Ba JiB85 ); — sf.

D"3V Djjrrj >/m 04 3 (of '*). 

T231 (6and ofridersl cf. Ar. tLl^ camels used in journeying); — 1. P>?x a /3 : a. in 'VJ3 3"ljiiT (Jehu's time, v. IIP) 2 K io 15n , whose descendants [or, the members of whose society, RS K 15 , yet v. No ZMG rl(1886) ' 171 ] were con- temp, with Jerem., Je 35 68 ' 14 1619 ; 1 Ch 2 5S tfiTVQ (v. Ti?) are said to be descended fr. Hammath, a ?"T r 'l' , 3 ^K. — On the asceticism of difF. tribes cf. Diod 1 ' 1 - "(Nabataeans), Palmer DMert 432 (Khei- bar'i Jews in Arabia); v. also Berthol ste '""" s '"• «u d. Fn,md.n 80 # h ^ perh _ a> g0 EMey K-ffhun, H7) in 'l-f3 n;3bp Ne 3 14 . 2. in Benjamin, 2 S 4 a (Pi^oiS), v 5 " ('€K X a ; A ©L Pr, X aP in all). t [122-1] adj. gent, of 331. 1, only pi. D'33nn a T s subst.,in '"in n»J Je35 ! -'- l8 ,1n-n , 3 »JB V 5 , Kpxafittv, Pu^a/Sftx, etc. taSnO n.m. L ' ,M chariot, riding- seat (prop, riding-place); — 1. cliariot ( = foll.), sf. i33"iob D*D1D 1 K 5 6 . 2. abs. 'o, prob. saddle Lv 15' (P). 3. i33")0 seat of litter Ct 3 10 . trQiHO n.f. chariot; — abs. 'o Ju4 15 + , cstr. D33-10 tGn 4 i 43 ; sf. tosno 46 w -r; pi. ni33-io Zc6' + ; cstr. nbfjp a k 23" + , n'3- Exls 4 ; sf.TO'3310 Mi 5 10 Hb 3 8 , etc. -—chariot (oft. || (D')DID', rS8 u »1fjp): esp. war-chariot, Egypt., Ex 14 s5 (J), 1 5 4 (song), 2 Ch 14 8 ; from Musri in N. Syr. (ace. to Wkl., v. D'lXO ad fin., cf. Kit 1 K I028 Benz ">) 1 K io ffl =2 Ch i 17 ; Can., Josii 6 - 9 (JE),Ju4 ls (ll 3 m 5"(ll«.); Assyr, Is 2 7 Na 3 2 ; foe from north Je 4 13 , nations in gen. Hg 2 22 ; Isr. and Jud. 1 K 20 33 22 M = 2 Ch 18 34 , 2K9 27 io 15 2Ch 35 24 Mis' ; fig. of V 8 chariots Is 66 15 Hb 3 s , cf. (in vision) Zc 6 1 - 22 - 3 - 3 ; 'O for dignity and display Gn 4i 43 (E), 46 s9 (J), 1 S 8 11U 2 S 15* 2 K 5 21 2fi , T1i33 ni33-ip Is 22 18 (iron.); used in flight I K i2 18 =2Ch io 18 , Mi i 13 ; t^D^n ttbfJ9 2K23" (idolatrous); 'On £3"31-13n (read 'Sn'rnrie, @ Benz) 1 Ch 28 18 (on this conception of cherubim in temple v. Benz); 'O in similes : 'On I?iK HK^JOS 1 K 7 s3 , '0 i>ip3 Jo 2 5 ; on the obscure 3H3 'OJ 'ID Ct 6 12 cliariots of my people, a prince (?) v. esp. Bu. TrO - ! in Judah; — 1 CI14 12 , Pyx a P- t [*^T J 1] vl>. be tender, weak, soft (Ar. eJJ, Aram. ^]3"1 (in der. spec, and deriv.), -.i, id.); — qalPf. 3 ms. V- 2K22' 9 2Ch 3 4 27 ;