Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/144

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was the Engliſh conſtitution; but theſe were neceſſary alterations by way of remedy, till they ſhould be able to bring the government into the right channel again: for the proviſions of Oxford were only proviſional, like the interim in Germany, before the reformation; and to continue no longer than as ſo many ſcaffolds, till the ruins of the realm were repaired. Accordingly the utmoſt proviſion that I find was but for twelve years, as we have it in the oath of the governors of the King’s caſtles, in the words below[1].

So that the barons of England were certainly in the right, when they ſaid, that the proviſions of Oxford were founded upon the Magna Charta which the French King and the parliament al-

  1. Ceo eſt le ſerment ke les gardens des chaſtels firent. Ke il les chaſtels le Rei leaument e en bone fei garderunt al oes le Rei et ſes heyres. E ke eus les rendrunt al Rei u a ſes heyres et a nul autre, et par ſun counſeil et en nul autre manere; Ceo eſt a ſaver per prodes homes de la terre eſluz a ſun counſeil, u par la greinure partie. E ceſte furme par eſcrit dure deſke a duz ans. E de ilokes eu avant per ceſt eſtablement et ceſt ſerment ne ſient conſireint ke franchement ne les puſſent rendre al Rei u a ſes heirs. Ann. Burton, 413.
