Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/296

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Well, now let us ſee what alteration is made by this new act, 16 Car. II. which follows in theſe words, ſect. 3. “And becauſe by the antient laws and ſtatutes of this realm, made in the reign of King Edward III[1], parliaments are to be held very often (that is, once or twice a year) therefore they ſhall not be diſcontinued above three years at the moſt.” I do not uſe to admire conſequences which I do not underſtand. But, under favour, I would be taken right. I ſay, that the recital of the antient laws of this realm does not repeal them, diſannul them, anneantir any thing, nothing; when there is not one repealing word concerning them in that ſtatute.

I knew what I ſaid when I withed the triennial bill in 1640 had never been made: and it muſt be remembered that that act is as if it had never been made; for it gave occaſion to ſome men that came in with the deluge of the reſtoration, when it rained cavaliers (though I value all mens rights more than my own, and princes moſt becauſe they are biggeſt) and it prompted them to think of turning a cautionary triennial, into a diſcretionary. But, God be thanked! they wanted

  1. 4 Edward III. cap. XIV. 36 Edward III. cap. X.
