Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/318

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Concerning the firſt Founder of the Yearly Folkmote of the Kalends of May.

Before I proceed any further, I muſt clear one point; and that is, that we find the author and founder of our yearly Folkmote mentioned in the laws of Edward the Confeſſor, (which were recited and confirmed by K. William I.) under the title de greve, chap. xxxv. which may poſſibly leave a ſuſpicion, that this yearly Folkmote of the kalends of May was a greve’s court. Now what court ſhould this be belonging to a greve, or any count or viſcount, or preſident whatſoever; for greve is an ambiguous word; Is it not a Burghmote, for that is three times a year by the Saxon laws. It is not a county-court; for that, by Edward the ſenior’s laws, N. 11. was in theſe words[1]: “I will that each greve have a gemot at about four weeks.” So that there were twelve in the year. It was not the ſheriff’s turn, or le turne del vicount; for that was twice a year, tƿa scirgemot on ger, by the

  1. Ie ƿille ꝥ ælc gerefa hæbbe gemot a ymb feoþer ruean.
