Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/10

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIOJS^S. NO. PAGE Portal of the Convent at Belem, near Lisbon. — Frontispiece. Fagade of Church at Tourmanim. — Vignette to Title-page. Perspective View of Cologne Cathe- dral, as it will appear when com- pleted (to face) — Frontispiece to Part II. (continned) 1 451. Reduction of an original plan of a Monastery at St. Gall 7 452. Plan of Church at Reichenau ... 9 453. Elevation of West End of Church at Reichenau 9 4,54. Plan of the Church of Roinain- Motier 10 455. View of the Church of Romain- Motier 10 4.56. Section of Church at Granson ... 11 457. Plan of Church at Gernrode .... 12 458. View of West End of Church at Gernrode 12 459. A^iewof West End of Abbey of Corvey 13 460. Plan of original Church at Treves . 14 461. Plan of Mediseval Church at Trfeves 14 462. Western Ajise of Church at Treves . 15 463. Eastern Apse of Church at Treves . 15 464. Internal View of the Church at Hil- desheim 16 465. Plan of Church at Hildesheim ... 16 466. Plan of Cathedral of Worms ... 18 467. One Bay of Cathedral at Worms . . 18 468. Side Elevation of Worms (^'athedral . 19 469. Plan of the Cathedral at Spires . . 20 470. Western Apse of Cathedral at ilay- ence 21 471. Church at ^linden. Cathedral at Paderborn. Church at Soest . . 22 472. Plan of Sta. Maria in Capitolio, Cologne 23 473. Apse of the Apostles' Church at Co- logne 24 474. Apse of St. Martin's Church at Co- logne 25 475. East End of Church at Bonn ... 26 476. Plan of Church at Laach 27 477. View of Church at Laach 27 478. Church at Sinzig 28 479. Rood Screen at Wechselburg ... 29 480. Crypt at Gollingen 29 vi NO. PAGE 481. Facade of Church at Rosheim ... 30 482. Church at Marmoutier 31 483. Section of Church of Schwartz Rheindorf 32 484. View of Church of Schwartz Rhein- dorf 33 485. Plan of Chapel at Landsberg ... 34 486. Section of Chapel at Landsberg . . 34 487. View and Plan of the Cathedral at Zurich 34 488. Doorway at Basle 35 489. Plan -^t Church at Aix-la-Chapelle . 38 490. Church at Nimeguen 39 491. Church at Petersberg 40 492. Plan of Church at Fulda 40 493. Plan of Church at Driigelte .... 41 494. Baptistery at Bonn 42 495. Chapel at Cobern on the Moselle . . 43 496. Porch of Convent at Lorsch .... 44 497. Arcade of the Palace at Gelnhausen 45 498. Capital, Gelnhausen 46 499. View of the Palace on the Wartburg 47 500. Cloister at Zurich 49 501. Dwelling-house, Cologne 50 502. Back Windows in Dwelling-house, Cologne 51 503. Windows from Sion Church, Cologne 51 504. Windows from St. Guerin at Neuss . 51 505. Section of St. Gereon, Cologne . . 54 506. Plan of St. Gereon, Cologne .... 54 507. East End of Church at Gelnhausen . 55 508. Plan of Church at Marburg .... 56 509. Section of Church at Marburg ... 56 510. Plan of Church at Altenburg ... 57 511. Plan of Cathedral at Cologne ... 58 512. Intended Western Fa9ade of Cathe- dral of Cologne 61 513. View of Church at Friburg .... 63 514. Plan of Strasburg Cathedral ... 65 315. West Front of Cathedral, Strasburg 66 516. Plan of Ratisbon Cathedral .... 69 517. View of the Spire of St. Steven's, Vienna 71 518. Plan of the Franciscan Church at Salzburg 72 519. Plan of St. Laurence's Church, Nuremberg 72 520. Plan of Church at Kuttenberg, taken above the roof of the aisles 74