Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/161

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The Ordonnance of Egyptian Colonnades. 139 Medinet-Abou a row of Osiride piers faces a row of columns (Fig. 117), while in the second court there is a much more complicated arrangement. The lateral walls of the court are w^ mm^^ r'-i. h ^ga 00 0000 r

00 GOOQOO 00 00000© Fig. 115. — Second HypDstyle Hall in the temple of Abydos. Description, iv. 36. w- — "> i ^ 1 D S?. 33 C A ■| a EH :23 E3 j 3 EQ 2j n ad-:: i . Fir,. 116. — Hall in the speo^ of Gherf-Hossein (from Prisse). prefaced each by a row of columns. The wall next the entrance has a row of Osiride piers before it ; while that through which the pronaos is gained has a portico supported by, first, a row of Osiride piers, and, behind them, by a row of columns (Fig. 1 18). . P^J 0_ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^1 o

,Lj LJ. :l1ij: e^i iisi .s-, U Fig. 117. — Medinet-Abou; first court. Fig. 118.— Medinet-Abou ; second court. In the temple of Khons the peristyle is continued past the door- way in the pylon (Fig. 1 19), and the inclosure is reached through