Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/233

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Sculpture under the Ancient Empire. 20^ from head to foot. His right arm is free ; it is held across the body, and meets the left hand, which is thrust through an opening in the robe. The place where this statue was found, the material of which it consists, and the character of the workmanship, all combine to prove that it is a production of the early dynasties (Fig. 184).^ Fig. 182. — Statue in the Boulak Museum. Drawn bv Bouriroin. Fig. 1S3. — Statue of Ti. Boulak. Jbrawn by Bourgoin. A few kneelingf statues have also been found. The anonvmous personage whose portrait is reproduced in Fig. 1S5 is upon his knees. His clasped hands rest upon his thighs. His eyes are inlaid ; they are formed of numerous small pieces skilfully put together. - There is no less variety in those groups where the sculptor has ' Notice du Musk de Boulak, Xo. 770. "■ J bid., No. 769.