Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/242

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214 A History of Art in Ancient EovrT. mud ; they are very strongly marked in the feet of the modern fellah.^ The creneral characteristics of these works in the round are repeated in the bas-reHefs of the mastabas at Gizeh and Sakkarah. Of these we have already given numerous illustrations ; we shall therefore be content with reproducing one or two which are more than usually conspicuous for their artistic me^rlt. ^it '!',,; , /' ri i '.y!, 'A'i ', 'li ■'./ ■'■] Figs. 198, 199. — Nem-hotep ; limestone stalue at Boulak. The sculptures of Wadi-maghara and the wooden panels from the Tomb of Hosi are enough to prove that work in relief was as old in Egypt as work in the round. In the mastabas sculptures in low-relief served to multiply the images of the defunct. He is figured upon the steles which occupy the principal wall, as well as in various other parts of the tomb. Sometimes he is shown seated ^ Wilkinson, Manners and Ci/sfoiiis. vol. ii. ]). 270.