Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/419

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Metal-work and Jewelry. 38, modelled with great skill and freedom, and supported on each side by the head of a hawk ; below these comes a plate of gold, entirely covered with fine engraving, A seated figure with expanded wings forms a centre for numerous bands of ornament in which the open flower of the lotus is combined with its buds and circular leaves. Necklaces are also very rich and various in design. Fig. 315 is the restoration of one which exists in a dislocated state in one of the cases of the Louvre. It is formed of glass beads in four rows, below which hangs a row of pendants, probably charms. The tet, the god Bcs, the oudja or symbolic eye, &c., are to be distino-uished amone them. Fig. 314. — ^-Egis. LouTe. Actual size. Drawn by Saint-Elme Gautier The beautiful group of Osiris, I sis, and Horus deserves to rank as a work of sculpture (Fig. 316). These little figures are of gold. Osiris is crouching between the other two deities on a pedestal of lapis- lazuli, which bears the name of Osorkhon II. The inscription upon the base consists of a religious benediction upon the same Pharaoh. These little figures are finely executed, and the base upon which the group stands is incrusted with coloured glass. We have already reproduced specimens of finger rings (Figs. 241 and 243), and the additional examples on page 3S7 will help to show how varied were their form. Many of these litde articles have moveable or rotating stones upon which figures