Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/455

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INDEX. Aah hotep, i. 291. Aa-kheper-ra, see Thothmes II. Abbeville, i. Prehistoric remains near, xxxix. Abd-al-latif, i. 223, 225 ; monolithic tabernacle at Memphis called the green chamber, 353 ; obelisk of Ousourtesen, ii. 172. Abd-el-Gournah, ii. 53. Abouna, i. 34. Abou-Roash, i. 165 ; pyramid of, 204. Abousir, i. 2125 construction of pyra- mid at, id. Abydos, i. 6, 16 ; foundation of the great temple at, 28; the early capital in the nome of A., 68 ; origin there of the worship of Osiris, id. ; Sculp- ture more refined than that of Thebes, 76 ; portrait of Seti at A., 123 ; entrance to the Egyptian Hades near A., 128, 134; situation of the necropolis, 136; do. 156; situation of doors and steles in the tombs at A., 157, 241 ; description of the tombs at A., 243 ; temple has two hypostyle halls, 385 ; de- scriptions of Mariette, 434 ; ii. for- tress at A., 41 ; necropolis, 241 ; tomb of Osiris at A., 242 ; other tombs, 295. Acacia, Nilotica, ii. 54 ; Lebhak, id. Acacia doors, i. 252. Achjeans, i. 162. Achoris, ii. 266. Addeh, speos ar, i. 406. ^gina, i. YII. XI. ^gis, ii. 382. Agra, ii. 13. Ahmes, i. 34, 168, Alabaster, i. 105, 325. Alberti, L. B., ii. 82. Alcamenes, i. VI. XI T. Alexander the Great, i, L. 21, 430. Alexandria, i. 55. Aimees, ii. 249. Amasis ; his elevation to the throne, i. 33 ; his deliverance of Egypt, 78, 292 ] body insulted by Cambyses, 309 ; his monolithic chapel, 353 ; dimensions of the monolithic chapel, ii- 75) 97 ; stele discovered in the Serapeum, 285. Amada, temple of, ii. 168. Ambulatory of Thothmes, ii. 135. Amenemhat III., i. 347; Amenemhats, the, ii. 227, 333. Amenemheb, i. 279. Ameneritis, statue of, at Boulak, ii. 263. Ameni, tomb of, i. 34. Amenophis III. i. 166; his colossi at Thebes, 267 ; do. 289 ; builder of Luxor, 371 ; builder of the great temple at Napata, 385 ; temple at El-Kab, 400 ; ii. 66 ; the colossi at Thebes, 240 ; portrait head in the British Museum, 242 : painted por- trait in the Bab-el-Molouk, 2,^2, 337, 347- Amenophis IV. ; his attempt to in- augurate the worship of Aten, the solar disc, i. 69 ; ruins of his capi- tal, ii. 5 ; his statues, 244 ; curious characteristics of his person, id., 289. Amenophium, i. 268, 289, 376. Amenoth, i. 159. Amen-Ra, may be identified with Indra, i. 50, 6t, ; hardly mentioned earlier than the eleventh dynasty, 68, 113 ; offerings to him as master of Karnak, 155, 268; the chief person of the Theban triad, t^t,;^ ; chapel at Abydos, 389 ; possibly