Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/471

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/// a Handsome Iiiipcrial Svo Volume, },6s. RAPHAEL: N/S LIFE. JVORKS. AXD TIMES. From the French of EUGENE MUNTZ. Edited by W. ARMSTRONG. Illustrated with 155 Wood Engravings and 41 Full-Page Plates. "We have already noticed at some length the original French edition of the important work of ' Raphael, his Life, Works, and Times,' of M. Muntz, the Librarian of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and we are glad now to welcome an English translation. A translation is never quite the same thing as the original, but for those — and they are many — who prefer an English version of a book to a French one, this volume may be recommended as, on the whole, a sound and adequate": rendering of ^L Muntz's work. The type and paper are excellent, and the volume appears in a substantial Roxburgh binding, suitable to its bulk and in good taste. yi. Muntz is a real authority on the history of Art, and is by no means to be ranked among the bookmakers, who abound in that department of literature ; and his volume, while intended for popular reading as well as for students, is an advance on anything that has been done before in the biography of Raphael." — Times. This splendid work deserves a cordial welcome. Its paper, type, and engravings leave little to desire. It was a hazardous undertaking to represent the Madonnas of Raphael by wood engravings ; and yet it has proved successful in no ordinary degree. . . . With regard to the literar)- portion of the work, we can say that it is accurate, catholic in tone, and written with admirable lucidity." — Daily Xeivs. "■ The compendious and profusely illustrated volume forms a valuable addition to the history of art. Passavant's work on the subject, though excellent in its way, cannot be considered exhaustive, many important facts concerning the great master