Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/15

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xi 70. Type of open architecture in Assyria 197 71. Plomage to Sainas or S/iamas 203 72. Sheath of a cedar-wood mast, bronze 205 73. Interior of a house supported by wooden pillars ; from the gates of Balawat 206 74. Assyrian capital, in perspective 207 75. Capital; from a small temple 209 76. View of a palace 210 77. Capital ; from a small temple 212 78. Capital 212 79. Chaldaean tabernacle 212 80. Ivory plaque found at Nimroud . .- 212 81. The Tree of Life 213 82. Ornamental base, in limestone 214 83. Model of a base, side view 215 84. The same, seen from in front 215 85. Winged Sphinx carrying the base of a column 216 86. Facade of an Assyrian building -216 87. 88. Bases of columns 217 89. Tomb-chamber at Mngheir 222 90. Interior of a chamber in the harem of Sargon's palace at Khorsabad . . 225 91. Return round the angle of an archivolt in one of the gates of Dour- Saryoukin 227 92. Drain at Khorsabad. with pointed arch 229 93. Sewer at Khorsabad, with semicircular vault 232 94. Sewer at Khorsabad, with elliptical vault 233 95. Decorated lintel 238 96. Sill of a door, from Khorsabad 240 97. Bronze foot, from the Balawat gates, and its socket 243 98. 99. Assyrian mouldings. Section and elevation 245 100. Facade of a ruined building at Warka 246 101. Decoration of one of the harem gates, at Khorsabad 247 102. View of an angle of the Observatory at Khorsabad 249 103. Lateral facade of the palace at Firouz-Abad 251 104. Battlements from an Assyrian palace 251 105. Battlements from the Khorsabad Observatory 252 1 06. Battlements of Sargon's palace at Khorsabad 255 107. Altar 255 1 08. Altar in the Louvre 256 109. Altar in the British Museum 257 no. Stele from Khorsabad 258 in. The obelisk of Shalmaneser II. in the British Museum 258 112. Rock-cut stele from Kouyundjik 259 113. Fragment from Babylon 263 114 Human-headed lion 267 115. Bas-relief with several registers 269 1 16. Ornament painted upon plaster 275 117. Ornament painted upon plaster 275