Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/17

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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xiii FIG. FACE 167. Map of the ruins of Mugheir 362 1 68. View of the Birs-Nimroud 367 169 171. Longitudinal section, plan, and hori/.ontal section of the rectangular type of Chaldaean temple 370 172. Map of Warka,, with its ruins 371 173. Type of square, single-ramped Chaldoean temple 375 174 176. Transverse section, plan, and horizontal section of a square, single- ramped, Chaldsean temple 377 177 179. Transverse section, plan, and horizontal section of a square, double- ramped Chaldaean temple 378 1 80 182. Square Assyrian temple. Longitudinal section, horizontal section, and plan 380 183. Map of the ruins of Babylon 383 184. Actual condition of the so-called Observatory, at Khorsabad 387 185. The Observatory, restored. Elevation 388 1 86. The Observatory, restored. Plan 389 187. The Observatory. Transverse section through A B 390 1 88. Plan of a small temple at Nimroud 393 189. Plan of a small temple at Nimroud 393 190. Temple Avith triangular pediment 394 TAIL-PIECES, &c. Lion's head, gold (French National Library) . Title-page Lion's head, glazed earthenware (Louvre) .... 113 Two rabbits' heads, ivory (Louvre) 334 Cow's head, ivory (British Museum) 3^3 Eagle, from a bas-relief (British Museum) . , 39&