Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/325

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DECORATION. rosette which is so conspicuous, there is one of more elaborate design which we reproduce on a larger scale and from another example in our Fig. 132. It is inclosed in a square frame adorned with chevrons. This frame with the rosette it incloses may be taken as giving some idea of the ceiling panels or coffers. In this rosette it should be noticed that beyond the double festoon about the central star appears the same alternation of bud FIG. 131. Threshold from Kouytmdjik. From Layard. and flower as in the straight border. That flower has been recognized as the Egyptian lotus, but Layard believes its type to have been furnished, perhaps, by a scarlet tulip which is very common towards the beginning of spring in Mesopotamia. 1 We the original. In the latter there is no corner piece ; the border runs entirely across the end, and the side borders are stopped against it. ED.] 1 LAYARD, Discoveries, p. 184, note.