Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/351

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GRAPHIC PROCESSES. 3 2 9 with the soil or at a determined height ; the draughtsman in all probability wished to give an idea of the height of the flanking towers. His representation is an ideal projection FIG. 154. Assyrian plan ; from the Balavvat gates in the British Museum. similar to those of which we find so many examples in Egypt, only that here we have the towers laid flat outside the fortifi- cation to which they belong in such a fashion that their summits ' *f,f, .' .,ii p , ' ' --^ !!;'-" ' FIG. 155. Plan and section of a fortress ; from Layard. are as far as possible from the centre of the structure. We shall see this better in another plan of the same kind in which the details are more carefully made out (Fig. 155). It u u