Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/353

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GRAPHIC PROCESSES. its towers is projected on the soil in the fashion above noticed ; a longitudinal section lays bare the interiors of the tents and shows us the soldiers at their various occupations. As for the houses, they are represented by their principal facades, which are drawn in elevation. FIG. 157. Plan and elevation of a fortified city ; from I.ayard. When he had to deal with more complicated images, as in the reliefs at Kouyundjik representing the conquests and expeditions of Assurbanipal, the artist modified his processes at will so as to combine in the narrow space at his disposal all the information that he thought fit to give. See for instance the relief in which the Assyrians celebrate their capture of Madaktu, an important city of Susiana, by a sort of triumph (Fig. 157).