Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/62

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A HISTORY OF ART "IN GIALD/EA AND ASSYRIA. distinction to mere inscriptions -have come down to us, belonged to those days. The oldest of all was ASSURXAZIRPAL, whose resi- dence was at CALACH (Nimroud]. The bas-reliefs with which his palace was decorated are now in the Louvre and the British Museum, fej?F FIG. 4. Genius in the attitude of adoration. From the North-west Palace at Nimroud. Louvre. Drawn by Saint-Eltne Gautier. most of them in the latter. 1 They may be recognized at once by the band of inscription which passes across the figures and repro- duces one text again and again (Fig. 4). To Assurnazirpal's son 1 This palace was the one called the North-western Palace.