Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/219

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Chaldean Sculpture. 189 twangs the cords of a harp. In front his instrument is decorated with the image of a bull, recalling the richly ornamented harps that we find so often figured in the Egyptian tombs. 1 Another figure, again in the attitude of respect, stands before the harpist. Fig. ioi. — Fragment of a relief; from Tello. Height 44 inches. Louvre. It seems to be that of a woman, but the relief is in such a condition that nothing but the general contours can be made out. Chaldsean art did not stop here. Once arrived at the degree of mastery shown by the statues of Gudea, it made progress of 1 Art in Ancient Egypt, vol. ii. fig. 271.