Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/223

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Chaldean Sculpture. 193 represent a goddess, I star perhaps, although there is nothing in the modelling of the bosom to suggest the female sex. The whole work is, however, so rough and barbarous that the author may very well have left out all details of the kind through sheer inability to render them. Like the bronzes of Tello, this figure Fig. 105. — Chaldœan statuette. Height 6 inches. British Museum. Drawn by Saint-Elme Gautier. — which is without legs — ends in a cylindrical stem. It was in all probability meant to be placed in one of those hiding places we have already described. Monuments from the Archaic age are less rare. We have already had occasion to notice some of them, the tablet from Sippara with the god Shamas (Vol. I. Fig. 71), for instance, the vol. 11. c C