Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/348

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A : certain rocks and in the beds ol mountain ton-. > !ng from that gnrain of _ pounds, must very soon have attracted :!-- :.-:.-.-:;

: lour and 1 find i: . tombs mixed with

objects stone and br Round beads for necklaces, earrings and ringer rings of not in zsag re made of I aldaeans built the already knew how to put metals to su: ed uses, they could hardly have failed to take farther strides in the same direction. In

: — Iron vat.--

order to measure the progre ourselves among the an ruins and to cast an eye over the plunder taken from by Botta. Layard, and Place. Metal is there found in :rked with a skill that laughs at difficulties. Si "itimony are found by the side of the metals already mentioned, 1 and, stranger than all, iron is abundant. rka seem to prove that the Chaldeans made use of iron sooner than the Egyptians;* in any case it was manufactured and employed in far greater 1 P: : - ' : : ■