Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/359

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Furniture. what not. We thus get at some reason for the difference in style between the tablets in relief and those engraved by the point. The latter represent native art ; in the former, where we so often see the characteristic gods, sphinxes, costumes, head-dresses, and even cartouches of the Egyptian monuments, we may recognize Fig. 2oi. — Ivory panel. Actual size. British Museum. Drawn by Saint-Elme Gautier. the product of the Nile delta, or even of Tyre and Sidon. The inscriptions on several fragments seem to confirm this hypothesis. I have seen no ivory tablets with cuneiform characters, but plenty with those of the Phoenician alphabet. 1 1 Among the ivories in case C of the Nimroud Gallery there is a kind of blackish ivory egg, which may have served as the knob of a sceptre. In art oval crowned VOL. II. T T