Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 2.djvu/445

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INDEX. Abd-al-Medjid, Sultan, ii. 39. Abdul-Hamid, ii. 76. Abou-Abba (or Sippara), i. 200. Abou-Sharein, i. 157, 190, 262; ii. 34- Abraham, i. 15, 199. Abydenus, i. 51 ; spoken of by Euse- bius, 57. Abydos, on the Hellespont, ii. 220. Accad, i. 14, 21, 59. Acheron, i. 354. Adar (Satura?), i. 73. Adrammelech, i. 103. Agbatana, see Ecbatana. Ahmes II., ii. 339. Ahura-Mazda, i. 88. Alabaster, found near Mossoul, i. 120 ; its distribution, 121 ; its constitution, 121 ; its characteristics as a material for the sculptor, ii. no. Alabastron, ii. 301. Alexander the Great, i. 54 ; ii. 382. Alexander Polyhistor, i. 51. Allât, i. 83, 345. Alphabet, invention of, i. 22. Altaï, i. 21. Altars, their characteristic forms, i. 236 ; with battlements, 255 ; circular, 256; sarcophagus-shaped, 256 Amanus, ii. 340. Amber, its absence from Mesopo- tamian remains, ii. 362. Amen, i. 78, 79. Anient, the Assyrian, i. 345. Amiaud, M., i. 361. Amoor, i. 19. Amphora, ii. 300. Amraphel, i. 36. Amulets, ii. 251. Anabasis quoted, i. 361. Anai'tis, see Oannes. Animals, grotesque and fantastic, in Assyrian Art, ii. 167-173 ; on the seals, ii. 279. Anthemius, i. 172. Antioch, ii. 286. Antiochus-Epiphanes, i. $$. Aphrodite, ii. 398. Apollonius of Tyana, i. 299. Apsou (or Apason), i. 83. Arade, ii. 265. Aramaic, or Aramaean, came into com- mon use with the second Chaldaean Empire, i. 18. Aram-Naharaim, i. 3. Arbeles, Arvil (or Ervil), i. 6 ; ii. 48. Arch, frequent use of, i. 132, 221; invented in Chaldaea, 222; at Mugheir, 222 ; in the hanging gardens at Babylon, 223 ; in Sargon's gateways, 224 ; in the sewers of the palaces, 227. Archivolt, enamelled, at Khorsabad, i. 290. Arioch, i. 36. Aristophanes, ii. 397. Aristotle, i. 71 ; his Politics quoted in reference to the size of Babylon, ii. 56. _ Arithmetic, Chaldaean, i. 68 ; origin of the sexagesimal system, 68. Armenia, annexed by Assyria, i. 7. Arms, ii. 343. Arrian, his Indian history, i. 57. Artaxerxes Mnemon, i. 90. Artists, their social position in Meso- potamia, ii. 394. Aryans, said to compose part of the early Chaldaean population, i. 18. Aryballos, ii. 306. Asia Minor, ii. 172. Ass, the wild, in Assyrian sculpture, ii. 150. Asshur, the builder of Nineveh, i. 14. Assur, i. 83 ; the Assyrian god par excellence, 84 ; fell with Nineveh, 88.