Page:A History of Cawthorne.djvu/18

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The following are some of the Works and Authorities which have been made use of or consulted:

Monasticon Anglicanum per Rog. Dodsworth et Gulielm. Dugdale: 3 vols folio. London, 1655, 61, and 73.

Ditto: edition by Cayley, Ellis, and Bandinel: 6 vols folio: London, 1817-30.

Domesday Book.

Dom Boc. A Translation of the Record called Domesday as far as it relates to the County of York: by the Rev. W. Bawdwen: Doncaster, 1809.

South Yorkshire: History of the Deanery of Doncaster: Rev. Jos. Hunter. Vol. I, 1828; Vol. II., 1831. (Vol. II contains this neighbourhood.)

A Manual for the Genealogist and Topographer, by R. Sims, 2nd edition; Smith, London, 1861.

Whitaker's History of Whalley: Vol. I, 4th edition, Routledge, London, 1872.

Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England.

Dodsworth Manuscripts: Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Rawlinson do.: do., do.

Collectio Rerum Ecclesiast. de Dioc. Eboracensi. New Edition: George Lawton: Rivingtons, 1842. Ducatus Leodensis, Ralph Thoresby F.R 5.; 2 edition, Notes by Whitaker. 1816.

Pedigrees of the County Families of Yorkshire: Vol I., West Riding; by Joseph Foster: London, 1874.

Surtees Society: Kirkby's Inquest; Inquisitions of Knight's Fees; The Nomina Villarum for Yorkshire: Vol.49. Glover's Visitation of Yorkshire, Vol. 63*. Yorkshire Diaries and Autobloglaphies, Vol. 65. And other Volumes.

Encyclopedia of Heraldry, (Burke).