Page:A History of Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England During the Middle Ages.djvu/16

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Dedication. In conclufion, dear Lady Londelborough, I need hardly fay that the ftudy of the hiftories of the people (inftead of that of their rulers) has always been a favourite ftudy with me ; and that in thefe refearches on mediaeval focial manners and hiftory, I have always received the warm fympathy and encouragement of the late Lord Londelborough and of your Ladyfliip. In his Lordlhip I have loft a refpe6ted and valued friend, to whofe learned appreciation of the fubje6t of mediaeval manners and mediaeval art I could always have recourfe with truft and fatisfaftion, with whom I have often converfed on the fubjecSts treated of in the prefent volume, and whofe extenfive and invaluable colleftion of objefts of art of the mediaeval period, and of that of the renaiflance, furnlfhed a never- ending fource of information and pleafure. It is therefore with feelings of great perfonal gratification that I profit by your kind permiflion to dedicate this volume to your Ladyfliip. I have the honour to be, dear Lady Londelborough, Your Ladyfliip's very obedient fervant, THOMAS WRIGHT. 14, Sydney Street, Brompton, London, No-vember 10, i86l.