Page:A History of Freedom of Thought.djvu/259

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Helmholtz, 182

Heraclitus, 25

Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 149

Hippocrates, 64

Hobbes, 130 sq.

Holland, 95, 107, 130, 131

Holyoake, 224

Homer, 24

Hume, 160 sqq.

Huxley, 213

Independents, 95, 98 sq.

Infallibility, Papal, 210 sq.

Innocent III, Pope, 56

Innocent IV, Pope, 57

Innocent VIII, Pope, 67

Inquisition, 57 sqq.; Spanish, 59 sqq.; Roman, 83, 84, 87 sqq.

Italy, 122 sqq., 210

James I (England), 85 sq.

Jews, 41 sqq., 68, 99, 105, 111, 194

Joseph II, Emperor, 122

Jowett, Benjamin, 204 sq.

Julian, Emperor, 54

Justice, arguments from, 235

Kant, 175 sq.

Kett, Francis, 85

Kyd, 85

Laplace, 178

Lecky, W. H., 208, 225

Legate, Bartholomew, 86

Lessing, 71, 120

Linnæus, 177

Locke, 101 sqq., 120, 132 sq.

Loisy, Abbé, 200 sq.

Lucian, 40

Lucretius, 37 sq.

Luther, 77 sq., 81

Lyell, 178, 208

Manning, Cardinal, 210

Marlowe, Christopher, 85

Marsilius, 119

Maryland, 97 sq.

Mazarin, Cardinal, 85, 107

Middleton, Conyers, 150, 164

Mill, James, 151, 227

——, J. S., 182, 213, 227, 233, 235 sqq.

Milton, 99 sq.

Mirabeau, 112

Miracles, 141 sqq., 151, 160, 164 sq., 206

Modernism, 199 sqq.

Mohammedan free thought, 68

Monism, 188, 228 sqq.

Montaigne, 74

Morley, Lord (Mr. John), 159, 209, 221 sq., 225

Nantes, Edict of, 107

Napoleon I, 115

Newman, Cardinal, 199, 241

——, F. W., 203

Ostwald, Professor, 228 sqq.

Paine, Thomas, 112, 168 sqq.

Paley, 167 sqq.

Pascal, 128, 152 sq.

Pater, 213

Pentateuch, 192 sq.

Pericles, 27

Persecution, theory of, 47 sqq., 232 sqq.

Pitt, William, 151

Pius IX, Syllabus, 210 sq.

Pius X, Pope, 199 sq.

Plato, 36 sq.

Plutarch, 150

Prayer, controversy on, 216

Press, censorship, 91 sq., 224 sq.

Priestley, 227

Priscillian, 55

Progress, idea of, 226 sqq.

Protagoras, 28

Raleigh, Sir W., 85

Rationalism, meaning of, 18

Reade, Winwood, 213

Reinach, S., 197

Renan, 198

Revolution, French, 111 sqq.

Rhode Island, 96

Richelieu, Cardinal, 85, 107

Rousseau, 111, 156 sqq., 239

Ruffini, Professor, 125

Russia, 224

Sacred books, 24, 53 sq., 191

Science, physical, 64 sq., 176 sqq.

Secularism, 224

Seeley, J. R., 208

Servetus, 79

Shaftesbury, 148 sqq., 151

Shelley, 173, 208

Socinianism, 83, 93 sqq.

Socrates, 30 sqq., 39, 235, 236

Sophists, Greek, 26

Spain, 59 sqq., 231 sq.

Spencer, Herbert, 187

Spinoza, 131 sq., 138, 191

Stephen, Leslie, 167, 215 sqq.

——, J. F., 203, 245 sq., 247

Stoicism, 36, 38 sq.