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96 A HISTORY OF HINDI LITERATURE wrote several works connected with the art of poetry. One of the most famous of writers of this period was Padmakar Bhatt (1753-1833), of Banda. He attended the courts of various rulers and was richly rewarded for his poetry. He is the reputed author of about seven works, mostly concerning the art of poetry, which are very much praised. One of his outstanding qualities is his skilful use of alliteration. His best work is considered to be the Jagadvi?iod (1810). At the end of his days he is said to have devoted his life to the worship of the Ganges, and wrote a book entitled Ganga Laharl. His grandson, Gada Dhar Bhatt (fl. 1860), was also a poer and wrote on rhetoric. A contemporary and rival of Padmakar was Gwdl, of Muttra, who wrote works on the art of poetry. His most famous work is the Yamuna Laharl. About the same time or a little later flourished also Ram Sahay Das (1820), of Benares, and Pajnes (1843), of Panna. The former, who was a poet of considerable merit, took Bihari Lai as his model. Pratap Sdhi (fl. 1828) was a devotee of Rama and the author of several works connected with the art of poetry. In the cleverness of his language he is said to resemble Mati Ram. Bihdrl Ldl Tripdthl (fl. 1840) belonged to a family which has produced many poets, being a descendant of Mati Ram Tripathi. Navhi (fl. 1842) wrote several works of high standard on poetics. Gahesh Prasdd Farukhdbddi (fl. 1847-1877) was a Kayasth, of Farukhabad, who wrote a Nakhsikh and other works. Giri Dhar Dds (fl. 1843) was the father of Harischandra. His real name w^as Gopdl Chandra. He wrote about forty different works. Sarddr (1845- 1883), of Benares, and Ndrdyan Rdy flourished in the second half of the nineteenth century. The former was the author of several works on the art of poetry, including commentaries on the works of Kesav Dds and on the Sat Sal of Bihari Lai, and a commentary on some of the emblematic couplets of Sur Das. The Sringdr Sahgrah, another poem of Sardar, is a popular work on rhetoric, dealing with all branches of