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78 A HISTORY OF HINDI LITERATURE chamber, all goes for nothing when the darkness of your last day draweth nigh." ^ Hari Das was succeeded as leader of the sect by Vitthal Vipul, and the latter by Biharini Das. Both these were Hindi poets, Biharini Das being- a very volu- minous one. In his numerous verses he uses the most erotic language to express the intensity of his religious devotion. Sltal (fi. 1723), who was a leader of the sect, was also a skilful poet. Sahachari Sara7i (fl. 1763) also belonged to the Hari Dasis. Amongst his works is the Lalit Prakds, which contains sayings of Hari Das, the founder of the sect. Other Writers of Krishna Vo^r^o-.— Gadd Dhar Bhatt (fl. 1565) w^as a Krishnaite belonging to the sect of Chaitanya and wrote verses of considerable merit in Krishna's honour. Bihdri Ldl Chaiibe, whose work has been described in a previous chapter as a writer on the art of poetry, was also connected with the Krishna Cult. Most of the verses in his famous Sat Sal deal with some phase or other of the story of Krishna. Other writers on the art of poetry also wrote Krishnaite verse. Tdf, who flourished in the first half of the seven- teenth century, was the wife of a Muhammiadan, but was a worshipper of Krishna. She wrote some much admired verses in his honour. Bliishma (fl. circ. 1650) translated the famous tenth chapter of the Bhdgavata Piirdna into Hindi verse, under the title Bdl Mukicnd Llld. Bakhshi Hahsrdj (fl. 1732) was a Kayasth of Panna, who was a skilful poet. He wrote the Sajieh Sdgar, which is an account of Radha and Krishna, as well as some other works. Md7i, a Brahman of Baiswara, wrote in 1761 a trans- lation of the Krishna Khanda entitled Krishna Kallol. A famous work in connection with the Krishna Cult is the Braj Bilds (1770). It was the work of Braj Bdsi Dds, of Brindaban, and contains a description ^ Translation from Mr. F.S. Growse's Mathura, p. 210.