Page:A History of Hindu Chemistry Vol 2.djvu/26

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lntroduct‘i.on CHAPTER I «On the age of Nagarjuna and the Buddhist Alchemical Tantras. IN the first Volume it has been incidentally snentioned that side by side with the Sivaite Tantnas we have their Bud- Rise, development _ * _ _ and propagation 01 dhist counterparts in which Mtihaiyainisni. , ‘* ' the salient features of the for- aner appear.*“' The question now arises : when ' did the votaries of the religion of 6:ikyamuni- find themselves called upon to engraft upon

their simple and'pure creed the ensemble of the

gross and grotesque superstitions, the hideous incantations, as also the speculative, tyhe meta- physical and esoteric , phases of spiritual .aspirations of which the Tantras are the reposi- tories? The answer cannot be given off hand . — -p-—-u-Q1-fl”-|n} —- -Iv-u—-T IO -I-rm =:= WI. 1', Intro. lxx.